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Song: Me Gustas Tu by Manu Chao

I walk to Nicole's office. 

Since she gave me and Lily the job offer, everything went super fast. First I asked my mother what she thought about the job. She said it was a great opportunity and that I should take it. My dad actually left my mom right after I was born. He lives in London now, where he has his new family and wife. My mom always struggled with money, but luckily our house in New York was ours and not rented. The Victoria Secrets job actually had a lot of ups and not many downs. I would have to live in Spain for six months according to "the contract". I would walk three runway shows in those six months, and maybe a fourth one. I wouldn't have to walk in lingerie, and I would get paid pretty good. Actually, with that money I could pay for my own college, and that is something my mom likes. But the downs are, that I'll have to leave New York, my dream city. With that, I also have to move to another continent, all myself, to a country where I've never been. And then, the biggest problem was: Where the hell do I stay? Lily has a cousin in Barcelona. I asked her if I could live with her. But Lily's cousin is a student, which means her apartment is already small for one person, imagine for three persons ( Lily's cousin, Lily and me). After a few days of struggling, my mom remembered, she has a friend living in Barcelona named Marinía. She called her and Marinía said it would be lovely to have me. My mom also mentioned something about Marinía having a son of my age, who was famous. I didn't really care and just ignored that comment, probably a Spanish journalist or something...

I knock on the large wooden door of Nicole's office. 'Come in!' she says. I open the door, and I see Nicole sitting at her white desk, with her reading glasses on her nose. 'Nina, please take a seat!' she says welcoming, pointing at the white chair in front of her. I smile politely and take the seat. 'So, I assume you're here, because you've made your decision.' Nicole says. I nod. 'Yes that's right, and I will take the job.' Nicole takes off her glasses and starts clapping in her hands. She runs towards me and gives me a hug. I've never seen Nicole happy, she does sometimes gives you a proud or satisfied look, but really this happy? 'You won't regret it! Alright great, I'll call the Spanish designers immediately, we'll finish your paperwork and contract in Barcelona.' Nicole says going back to business. I smile. 'Alright, thank you Nicole.'

And guess where I'm now? In the airplane, on my way to Barcelona. It's the first time I'm flying alone, and I'm pretty nervous. Before I left, my mom told me an exact description, off how Marinía looks. Brown hair (probably a bit grey already), very light blue eyes, slim build, smaller than I am, probably wears red lipstick and has a very tiny scar right above her left eye. The description was almost to precise. But I remembered it. My mom also told me, I should not talk to strangers to much, and that when I found Marinía, I should ask her to call my mom, so my mom would be sure I would go home with Marinía, and not some creepy kidnappers.

I was super nervous flying alone for the first time ever. Luckily I sat next to a girl my age. She said a soft hi and after that we didn't talk. She was actually on her phone, not bothering me. The flight would be about nine hours, so I was pretty relieved when I figured out I sat next to a teenager, instead of an old creepy man or a mother with a crying baby on her lap. The flight was pretty comfortable, I sat at the window and I just listened to some music with my air pods. The closer we get to Barcelona, the more nervous I become. What do I do when I can't find Marinía? Disculpe, pero ¿sabe cómo llegué a la cinta transportadora de equipaje? (sorry, but do you maybe know where the baggage carousel is?)

I've practiced this line a lot, in case I wouldn't know where to go after the flight. When the plane finally arrives, I feel a little sick. I'm super nervous, but also exited, but also scared, but I also want to explore Barcelona, but I also miss home... My whole brain is making backflips. When I walk out off the airplane I feel a warm breeze against my face, it's welcoming me to Spain. I follow the girl who sat next to me in the airplane. I follow her to the luggage, I follow her to the customs. I wonder if she noticed, because she was on her phone the whole time. When we're finally through all of the security, we arrive into a big hall. I see people standing with flowers and balloons, and also a few taxi chauffeurs, holding up pieces of paper with names on them. I look through the crowd, but I can't spot a lady that looks like my mom's description. I do see the airplane girl hugging a guy and kissing him. I walk a bit around and look if I can see my new housemate. I start to get a bit anxious. Where is she?

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