I'm Your Angel

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Hello lovely people and welcome back. I've been gone for a while. 

Actually I've been gone for over 4 months... and I'm sorry about that. I can give a million reasons, but I won't bore you with that. To everyone reading this, thank you for reading my story and being patient with me. I can't say enough times how much everyone reading this story means to me. Thank you for taking the time to read my work, and thank you for coming back after my absence. I'm back now, and I'm not leaving again for a while. So I'm gonna post more from now on.

Sorry Nicole, but I can't leave without saying goodbye. I'll take the next flight and pay, I promise.' I say and I walk away. My bag is still where I stood in line, but I know that if I stand in that line again, Nicole will push me onto that plane with her own hands .'Nina Cortes! Get over here NOW." Nicole shouts, but I have already started running. Back to where we came from, heading for exit B.

I hear Nicole scream again and somehow I feel ashamed. Almost the entire airport is staring at me at this point, but I keep running anyway. I'll pick up my suitcase later. 'Nina, where the hell are you going?' Lily screams, but I'm too far along to answer that now. I don't dare look behind me, fearing that Nicole will run after me. 

I actually have no idea where I'm running and I awkwardly bump into a group of travelers trying to get to their gate. I squeeze through the tour group until I reach the escalators. Of course, they only go in one direction, who wants to go back down from their gate? 

I sigh, put my foot on the escalator, and sprinted in the opposite direction. I've never ran down an escalator in the opposite direction, but it's more fun than I expected. I go slowly but run as far as I can so I won't fall. When I get to the bottom, people look at me confused, but I run past them. I don't particularly appreciate running in public, and after a few meters, I finally turn around. 

Nicole didn't follow me, neither did Lily. I'm completely out of breath (I'm out of shape) and start walking slowly. I look at all the signs until I finally see an arrow pointing to exit B.

Pablo: Nina I can see you've read this text. Please don't be mad. I can explain everything. I'm at exit B and I'll wait here. I love you❤️

Pablo: Nina???

Me: Omw

I don't have any energy to type more letters. What am I doing? I am not a rebel... maybe I am? All I know is that I have to find Pablo. I see exit B more clear now and I start running. Then I see him.

He's standing outside typing on his phone and he looks worried. I smile and feel all but happiness in my heart. My whole body is re-energized and I start running. Pushing people aside until I'm finally outside. And he sees me too. The relieved look on his face is priceless and he also walks towards me until I almost jump into his arms.

We don't say a word and he holds me, I hold him. And now I know we made the right choice. We made the right choice to choose each other. He chose me, over his friendship, and I chose him over my  career. I still have to figure out that part but for now, he's all that matters. No one can force me to leave, not when his arms are around me. 

His grip loosens but I keep holding him, all my emotions collapsing into his arms and a tear rolls down my cheek. 'I'm so glad you're here.' I manage to say and his grip tightens again. 'I'm never leaving, don't worry.' he says and I bury my face into his shoulders. 

'NINA CORTÉS?' I jump, Pablo and I let go of each other in one movement. And there I see Nicole. She looks furious. More furious than I've ever seen her. My whole body freezes. She actually looks terrifying as if she's gonna rip all my limbs of my body.

I'm your Angel | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now