Those f*cking Spaniards

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Song: Here with me by D4vd

The sunlight shines through the thin curtains. Very slowly I open my eyes. When I open them, Pablo's nose is literally in my eye. I move a little bit away from him, but when I try that Pablo grabs me tighter and pulls me even closer towards him.

Now my face is against his chest. I sigh. We fell a sleep in the spoon position, but I guess I turned in the middle of the night, because now we're laying with our faces to each other. Pablo still holds onto me as if I'm his stuffed animal. 

After a minute of lying like that I feel that he's waking up too now. He starts moving a bit and then he opens his eyes. We look at each other and I can't help but giggle. He smiles and then he realizes he's holding me so tight, that I can't move. 'Sorry.' he says and lets go of me quickly. I move a bit away from him. Then I realize we're not the only ones in the room.

Quickly I sit up straight and then I see Lily also just sat up straight. Her hair is all messy and I see Pedri rolling over right now. 'Morning love birds.' she says and she stands up to walk towards her phone, which is laying in the charger next to the small TV. Me and Pablo look at each other very short after the word "love birds", but I break the eye-contact. 

Then I see Pedri is also sitting up straight. He also looks sleepy. 'Good morning.' Pablo says, but Pedri just looks at us madly and walks towards the bathroom. I sigh.

Lily comes towards me and sits on the edge of the bed next to me. 'I took a picture before you guys woke up.' Lily says happily. She opens her phone and shows me the picture

For a few moments I just stare at the picture

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For a few moments I just stare at the picture. Pablo does the same. 'Isn't this cute!' Lily says. 'Lily, ooh my god. Why did you take this picture?' I ask her. This is pretty annoying. What if Amila or Sira sees this? Or if the picture leaks? 'You guys just looked super adorable!' Lily says. Pablo chuckles. 'We would make a good couple, I'm not gonna lie!' he says and Lily gives him an high five. I roll my eyes before Pedri walks into the room again. Lily quickly turns off her phone. Pedri isn't noticing anything and he grabs his phone.

Lily walks back to her bed and types something on her phone now too. 'Lil, we should probably go.' I say. Lily nods. 'Is Sira already gone?' she asks. Pedri shrugs. 'I'm gonna go and shower.' he says. Someone is moody today... 'Just tell me were Sira is.' Lily says, but Pedri slams the door in her face.

Lily rolls her eyes at him. 'Okay, I'll do it myself then.' she says and she walks out of the room. Pedri ignores her and Lily slams the hotel door behind her too. After a few seconds, me and Pablo hear the running water from the shower. 'Okay. What just happened?' Pablo asks. I sigh. 'No idea.' I say and I stand up. I kept my clothes on from last night, so I don't have to change. I walk towards the door when I change my mind. 'Do you think it's safe to go now? Considering the coach?' I ask Pablo. He smiles. 'No. You better stay.' he says and pats the place next to him. I sigh and sit next to him on the bed again.

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