Pure Panic

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A/N: Guys I'm back. Next chapter is coming soon. Please vote <3

IMPORTANT QUESTION: Tell me if you want smut or not. Also if you're not a fan of it let me know, because I wanna hear different opinions on this. If "everyone" agrees then I think I'll write it (it'll be my first time writing smut so don't expect too much)

Enjoy this chapter anywayss<33

The catwalk lights are bright. When the curtains open, Rickey and I walk forward. Until now, when I came on stage, I always had a kind of confidence, a kind of adrenaline that made me forget everything and focus.

This feeling did not come this time. I didn't know what I looked like, but I certainly wasn't confident. I probably looked anxious. 

As me and Rickey walk, I try to recognize the faces in the audience, but all I see are vague outlines and the bright light shining on me. I try to smile, but there's not much to be happy about. 

Fucking Amila is back intending to ruin my life. I know I would NEVER let Pablo go without telling him what Amila said to me.

On the other hand, I don't want to live on the street and after all Pedri has done for me, it's pretty disrespectful, backstabbing and toxic that I dated his best friend. But why am I never allowed to be a red flag? I'm pretty done with nice Nina who doesn't gets what she wants.

Suddenly I realize that I'm not walking at the same pace as Rickey. I quickly correct the embarrassing mistake and then we walk away. 

As soon as the curtains close behind us, we dare to breathe calmly again. '
Jesus Nina. What was wrong with you?' Ricky asks.

'I...' I actually want to burst into tears. 'I have to go.' I answer and then I quickly walk past her. 

Everyone is stressed and busy preparing for their own walk. No one notices when I slip out the door going backstage. I hear Selena Gomez's loud singing voice. It completely passed me by when I walked past her, I was so busy with my own problems. 

I'm walking down the hall when I suddenly hear someone behind me. 'Nin?' I turn around and I see Lily.
'Hey! What... what was wrong with you on stage. Are you OK?' she asks. Then I feel a tear rolling down my cheek.
'Listen Lily. Amila blackmailed me, I have to talk to Pablo.' I say, but then we hear another voice.

'Nina and Lily, come in quickly!' we turn around and quickly walk to Nicole who beckons us at the door. Lily looks at me in shock, but she can't react because of Nicole. 

When we are back inside, Arnold immediately comes to us for a feedback round. I got a lot more than the rest, but that was to be expected. Half an hour later everyone is dressed and ready to go and talk to the guests. I haven't said a word and I'm just waiting, literally for my demise. Lily grabs my hand and squeezes it. 'Don't worry!' she says and she smiles. I wish I had nothing to worry about...

Then we enter the big room together, everyone is there already. It's like last time, but this time I don't feel like going in. 

Soon we find the rest and of course, we get compliments again. Pablo and Mikky are not there yet, but Pedri gives Lily a kiss and me a hug. It hurts to know that in a few hours, everything will be different. 

Then I feel someone tap my shoulder. It's Amila. She beckons me and I follow her to another part of the room, out of earshot of everyone else. 

'Have you made your choice?' she asks. 'Amila, please. Can't we talk about this? Make a compromise or something?' I ask. Amila scoffs. 'Listen, Nina, you have two choices. He is right there. Make a decision.' she says and she nods to the right side. I look and there I do see him, but in a bit of a strange situation. 

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