Good news

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A/N: Please vote❤️
Hi! Welcome backkk this chapter is around 4200 words and there will be a switch of POV's again. Enjoy and feel free the write comments if you have anything to say <33

'I'm going home.' Lily says, she looks even more tired then before. I nod slowly and look at another text from Mikky coming through.

Mikky❤️: ???

Me: I'm coming right now is everything alr?

'Yeah I have something to take care of...' I say. Lily doesn't even care what it is and she just nods. 'Okay.' She says and we both order a different cab. Lily gets in while I wait for mine. Then I see my cab coming through, but then I realize... I don't have money with me. Shit.

The chauffeur impatiently pats his foot. 'Ehm sorry sir, I made a mistake.' The guy groans and mumbles something in Spanish and drives away. 

Shit, how do I ever get to Mikky? Her house is pretty far away. I grab my phone and call Mikky: voicemail. Shit again, and there's also no bus station near this part of the city. Then I see something I haven't touched I in probably 12 years: a bike. 

Nobody bikes in the US, but I learned how to bike when I was like 6 years old. The bike is a bit old, dusty and ugly, and it has no lock. Someone must have left it here. It was too coincidentally that the bike was laying here, it almost looks like it's waiting for me. Maybe the vodka was doing it's job, but this bike suddenly seems very appealing, as if it was talking to me. I walk over to the bike and pick it up. This must be a gift from god... he sent this to me, so I can go to Mikky. 

I grab the steering wheel and sit onto the saddle. But what if this is someone else's bike? No come on Nina! Mikky said it was very urgent, and maybe it has something to do with Pablo. Maybe he's hurt! 

I start biking. I can still do it! I feel the wind through my hair and I almost feel the need to close my eyes. Here I come Mikky. I put my feet onto the pedals and I start moving my legs. I feel so free and confident, for one second I forget everything... until: crash, my whole body hurts while I feel the little stones of the road into my face and arms. For one second I lay completely still then all I see is darkness...


'Nina?!' I groan as I come back to reality. Of course I can't bike... what was I thinking? 'Nina is that you?' I can't talk back, everything hurts. Then I feel a strong hand pulling me of the middle of the road. When I open my eyes I see Ansu. 

'Are you alright?' He asks. I cough a bit of sand out of my mouth. My arms are covered with scratches and I taste blood into my mouth. Shit... Nicole won't like this. 'Jesus look at your arms!' Ansu says. 'Good thing I just drove by, are you drunk?' Ansu asks while he helps me getting up. 

'No... I-' my voice is weak and I'm shaking onto my legs. What is wrong with me? 'Just get in the car.' Ansu says probably smelling the vodka. 'Fast, before people recognize me.' He says when I don't move. I quickly start walking to his car and sit in the passengers seat next to him. 

'What were you doing?' Ansu asks while he closes the door. I sigh. 'I'm on my way to Mikky, she said it was urgent.' I say. 'It's not that urgent you have to hurt yourself to get there.' Ansu answers and he chuckles. 'Have you ever touched a bike before?' I give him a playful slap but I immediately regret it because my arm is hurting like hell. 

'She said it was super urgent and I don't have a car. I thought maybe it had to do something with...' I sigh. 'Never mind it was stupid.' I say. Ansu starts the car. 'You said you were going to Mikky.' Ansu says, I nod and Ansu starts the car. 'I'll take you.' He says. 'Thanks you...'

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