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A/N: I've been gone for a while but here is a new chapter

Back in Barcelona me and Rickey immediately go to the specified location. The runway show starts in an hour and we have already loosened our hair in the airport toilet. Both of our hair is very beautiful, Rebecca did a great job. 

Once we arrive, we slip through the artist's entrance

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Once we arrive, we slip through the artist's entrance. As soon as we enter the building, our coats are taken and we are directed to the elevator. I catch a glimpse of a group of the audience waiting outside to enter. 

As soon as the elevator doors open, Rickey and I enter the huge dressing room. It can hardly be called a dressing room, because it looks more like a whole restaurant, because of its size.

I wonder if Selena Gomez is here too, because she's performing tonight. I don't have time to think about it, as an assistant immediately shoves me into a bathrobe and leads me to a changing cubicle. 

I lock the cubicle and look at the pink pajamas I have to wear. I've already practiced in a test version and it went pretty well, but I haven't even touched the thing when someone knocks hysterically on the door. 

I open, since I'm not naked, and then I see Lily. I suddenly feel a lot lighter and I want to hug her, but instead she takes my hand and pulls me out of the changing room. 'We have a problem.' is all she says and then she quickly walks away. 

I follow her. The dressing room is full of helpers, designers, models, makeup artists, stylists, everything! We squeeze through the crowd until I see Nicole standing there. 

She usually has her hair in a bun on top of her head and always looks sleek and well-groomed. But today she has her hair in a messybun and thick bags under her eyes. I hardly recognize her. 

'Thank God!' she says as I approach. 'We have a big problem.' she says. Lily nods. 'Arnold's gone.' Nicole says. I gasp. Arnold is gone?... As in...lost? 

'And Joshua isn't here either.' Nicole says. 'I'm trying to call him, but he's not responding and we really need him.' Lily nods. 'I'll get more people, maybe they know where he is.' she mutters and then walks away. 

'Nina, can you also spread this message?' Nicole asks. 'The more people who know, the better.'
I nod and have already turned around when I realize something. 'Nicole, I might know something.' Nicole looks at me hopefully. 

'I met Arnold's son today, so maybe I can ask him if he knows more.' Nicole suddenly seems wide awake. 'Why didn't you say so right away! Yes, go now!' she says. I nod quickly and then turn around. 

Nathan is probably already in the audience. I quickly walk through the large dressing room and then I go outside. As soon as I come out I'm backstage where I see some people lifting a lamp down the hall. I hear all the buzz of the audience as I walk to the stage. I walk over the dark part of the catwalk to the side and slide down the stage, which now puts me level with the audience seats. 

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