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A/N: Late christmas gift and last chapter of 2023!! I'm gonna end the book somewhere this week. Enjoy this chapterr <33

I slowly roll my suitcase off the porch. My cheeks are still damp from crying. An hour ago I said goodbye to Mikky, Sira and Aurora. We cried for a long time, a lot. I promised them I would come by very, very soon, although I'm not sure when I would have time for that. 

I just said goodbye to Pedri as well. That was less dramatic, he pdidn't cry, but he just stood there trying to keep his tears in. Lily is still inside, probably crying and I am standing by the taxi. 

Nicole is in it, typing on her phone and all our suitcases are in the trunk. We're going back to New York. I didn't visit once, nor did I feel the urge to be honest. I missed my mother, of course, but I felt so at home here that I hardly felt homesick. 

The spring sun shines through the palm trees and I sigh. I'm gonna miss this city, with these people and these memories. Nicole has everything fully booked for the upcoming months. New York fashion week, runway shows, meetings with agents and much more, so visiting soon is probably not happening. 

Then the window of Nicole's cardoor opens. 'Can you tell Lily to hurry, we're going to miss our flight!' I try my best not to roll my eyes. Since Lily and I agreed to come back to America with Nicole, she has been taking a lot of charge. She plans trips without consultation, says things about us to modeling agencies without consultation or permission and then explains nothing to us. 

'Can you go see what's taking her so long?' she says in a whiny tone. Probably her fucking boyfriend... 'Yeah sure...' I mumble irritated and I walk back to the house. The door is still open and I walk into the hallway. 

I actually didn't want to go back to this hallway and this house, because I'm gonna cry again and I just did my mascara. When I enter the living room, Lily is standing by the couch, crying. 

'Where's Pedri?' I ask. 'He's just grabbing my suitcase from upstairs.' Lily says, her shoulders still shaking. 'We just said goodbye.' I sigh and wrap my arms around her. 'I just can't imagine that in a few hours we'll just be gone.' she whispers. I sigh. 'Me neither.' 

We stand like that for a moment, in each other's arms by the couch. 'It's winter in New York now.' Lily then says. 'It's probably raining.' I hadn't even thought about that, we also have to miss the sun. 'I think it's the best thing for our career, right?' Lily's voice is very high and soft and I can tell from her tone that she is looking for positivity. Like she always does. 'Yes, it is certainly good for our career.' I whisper too, trying to fight the lump in my throat, but it doesn't help. I feel a tear welling up in the corner of my eye. 

Then I remember why I walked back inside. 'We have to go.' I say and I let go of Lily. Her eyes are red, her cheeks are puffy, and her makeup is everywhere. 'Nicole is waiting outside.' I say with a little voice crack. Lily coughs and sucks in a breath of air, trying to pull herself together. 

Then I hear the living room door open. Pedri is downstairs with Lily's suitcase. She walks over to him and wraps her arms around his neck again. He buries his nose in her hair so I can't see his face. Is he crying too? I decide to leave them alone for a while and walk outside again. 

Then I get into the car. It all feels very strange, very ordinary. As if I'm just getting into the car now, but that's not the case. My whole life is going to change in a few hours. I check my phone and scroll through the messages.

Mom: Have a safe flight honey! Text me when you guys landed
Mikky: Miss you already
Sira: Ferran, Eric and Ansu say bye as well and wish u a safe flight. They wanted to text you but they have a meeting rn so I did it for them <3
Lily: Have you seen my charger
Joshua: Gonna miss you lmk when you're in Barça again

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