Aurora Gavira :)

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Tuesday morning

I walk downstairs and step in Pablo's car. His car is smaller then Pedri's, but the seats are way more comfortable. I decide to take a nap. Well, I'm pretending taking a nap. It's a good excuse to not talk to Pablo. I already talked enough to him this morning. I make myself comfortable and put my head down. The seat is warm and very soft, I feel my head sink into the soft fabric. I hear Pablo starting the car. I almost fell asleep, but I try to keep myself awake, so I won't snore. But I also close my eyes so Pablo won't talk to me. Suddenly I hear his phone ring. 'Hola Pedri.' Pablo says. Damn his accent is still hot. 'No, she's asleep why?' Now I pay attention. I hear Pedri's voice. 'Come on Pablo. I told you to stay away from her.' Pedri says. Stay away from me? Why? 'I know, but I couldn't let her take the bus to her work could I'?' I hear Pedri sign. 'You know she has done that before, stay away from Nina.' Pedri says. 'Why are you so protective? She isn't your daughter.' Pablo says annoyed. 'I don't want my two friends to date.' 'We aren't dating!' Pablo says. 'And what if she really falls for me? What if we're really in love?' Pablo says. in love? Am I in love? What the hell is going on here? 'Pablo, don't play with her. She's not one of your toys.' I hear Pablo sign. 'I never use girls as objects, I always respect them. Especially her. You should get used to the fact I care about her too Pedri.' Pablo says and before Pedri can say a thing, he hangs up the phone.. 

When the car stops Pablo takes a second to look at me. I know he's looking at me. I feel his look burning through my skin. I try to not move, so he'll think I slept the whole ride. I feel his soft finger brushing against my cheek. 'Hey, Nina... we're here.' He whispered, while he pulls some tousled hair from my face. I pretend to wake up and look out of the window. 'Where are we?' I ask Pablo. 'We're around the corner, because I didn't wanna go again to the parking place were that photo of us was taken.' he explains. I nod and get out of the car. 'Thanks for the ride I say through the car window. 'No problem.' Pablo says. I start walking away when I hear him again. 'Nina?' 'Yes?' I respond. 'I know when people are fake sleeping or not.' Pablo says and he smiles. Shit, shit, shit. 'I don't know what you're talking about.' I say and try to play dumb. He smiles. 'You do, good luck with work.' he winks and I blush.

Tuesday night.

'Okay, girls, whatever you do: be nice, be pretty, be polite, be decent, be respectful, be smart and EAT NEATLY.' Nicole stands in front of us giving us orders. We just had a long day of walking lessons. After we had short interviews, which would be published tomorrow night during the runway show. It wasn't filmed, which took a lot of the pressure of. We all answered questions like: Is this a dream coming true? Do you have a special eat pattern or work-out routine? Are you friends with other models? Tell us a bit about your working day. What's your best tip for young girls wanting to be a model?  The questions were easy to answer and we were done pretty fast. Now we're attending to a fancy dinner. A lot of model agencies sent reviewers to talk to models about commercials or job opportunities. Nicole is shaking, she's clearly nervous that we're gonna fuck it up. I nod and smile. We're all wearing a glitter dress in different shade. I'm wearing silver, Lily wears black and Rickey wears gold. 


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