The Kiss

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Song: Torn by Natalie Imbruglia

I feel so relieved!

Rickey just told me that she's going to Jude's match as well. I was kind of afraid that I'd be alone there. Thankfully Rickey is going too, so we can sit together.

Right now me and Lily are in a cafe. Just drinking something when we ran into Rickey. Turns out she's English, and she's going to every single match.

The last four days were killing me. Aurora wanted to hang out all the time. I don't know why. When we went to the boys' hotel for the first time, there was of course a lot of tension between the group. Aurora didn't even stand up for Mikky when Sira was gossiping about her. Maybe she wants to make it up to us....
Me and Lily both decided to not respond. We're kind of done with Pedri, Pablo and Aurora right now. Aurora was being annoying the last days with all her texts and calls...
I was also kind of overthinking everything.




Jude has texted me a lot. We've had the most random conversations. About his teammates, about my job, about our favorite color and even about his aunt. It feels safe texting him...
It feels... natural.

I don't know if Pablo texted me. I've blocked him. Also on Instagram this time. I did that last night together with Lily. I don't know why, there was actually no reason to but Lily said it was necessary.

"If you want to start a relationship with a new person, than you should ban all the others from your life." I'm not quite sure if she's right... but we'll find out soon.

Lily sips from her coffee. 'Well. How late does the game start?' she asks. 'In one hour.' Rickey answers. Lily nods.

'We should go in 15 minutes if that's okay with you.' Rickey says to me. 'Yes, great.' I answer. I'm pretty excited for the game. I'm gonna see Jude again...

Suddenly I hear my phone buzz.

Jude: Can't wait to see you😉

Me: Same! Good luck.

Jude: So you do support England...

Me: No. I support you.

I'm waiting for an answer when I see Jude stopped typing. Did I say something weird? Suddenly I get another text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey. Mason here. Could you stop texting Jude. We need to go through our strategy for this game and he is way too distracted. He can't stop smiling and he should focus now. Thank you for your understanding.
Ooh btw I just grabbed his phone, I can't believe you don't support England.

Me: Yeah sure I'll stop texting. I'm actually not supporting any countries so I have nothing against England.

Mason: aah! If you're neutral you could support England anyways! Great. That's settled then. Ok bye

I stare at the text. Yeah... nice try Mason, but I'm still not supporting anyone.

'Why are you smiling?' Lily asks and she tries to see what I'm doing. 'Nothing.' I say and I turn of my phone. She raises her eyebrows and I just smile. She shakes her head. 'Nina, Nina... already going for the next one!' She says. I shrug. 'Why not?' I say and Lily laughs.

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