Stop worrying about boys!

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Song: Batsh*t by William Bolton

I grab my keys and walk outside. It's Saturday. Tomorrow Mikky, Lily and Aurora are leaving to Qatar.

I'm not going.

I have actually nothing to show up for. I hate Pablo right now and I'm not sure about the team. Aurora has texted me a lot, but I didn't respond. Pablo didn't called or texted me at all. I blocked him. I'm just done with toxic people right now. 

I don't believe Pablo's story about his mother. I also don't believe Amila for a hundred percent, but right now I'm just mad. Pedri left a few days ago. I don't think he noticed any off my sadness. He didn't know about me and Pablo anyways. I'm not sure if Aurora did. Since Pedri is gone I go for a walk every single morning, just to relax. I've decided that I'm gonna focus on my career for now. I've got almost fifty emails of people who were giving me job offers. I know that is amazing, but I'm still not happy. 

I go around the corner and enter one off Barcelona's quiet neighborhoods. I love walking here in the morning, when nobody is here yet. Suddenly I get a phone call. It's Pedri. I pick up the phone immediately. 

'Hey Pedri! What's up?' I ask him. 'Hey Nina. It's me.' I recognize that voice out of a thousand. I sign. 'Please. Don't hang up.' Pablo says. I roll my eyes and stand still. 'What do you want Pablo? I blocked you for a reason.' I say. 

'Ferran said you weren't coming... is that true?' he asks. I stay silent for a while. 'I'm not coming.' I finally say. 'Why not?' Pablo asks. I frown. 

Because you're a dick

'I'm busy. With work and stuff.' I say. 'Ooh okay.' Pablo says. I swallow. Isn't he disappointed? 'So, that's why you called?' I ask. 'Listen, Mikky asked if I could convince you, that's why I called. But if you don't wanna go than that's your problem.' I feel a little hurt by his reaction. So he just doesn't care if I'm going or not? 

'Ooh okay.' I say trying to sound cool. Suddenly I hear a bit rumbling and then I hear a different voice. 'Hey Nina! Sorry Pablo stole my phone. How are you?' It's Pedri. I sign in relive. 'I'm good. How is Qatar?' I ask. 'It's amazing. I heard you aren't coming?' 

I sign. Apparently Mikky told the whole team. 'Yeah... I'm busy.' I say. I hear Pedri sign. 'Nina, you're coming. Seriously, if you're not going, Lily isn't going and if Lily isn't going, Mikky will be alone, so Mikky won't come. Plus, I want to see you!' he says. I smile a little. 'I'm sorry, but I'm busy.' I repeat. 'You are coming. Other wise you'll have to sleep on the streets till I'm back.' Pedri says. I laugh. 'Pedri that is blackmailing!!' I say. 'So? You're coming. It'll be fun.' he says. I sign. 'Okay.' As soon as I say it I hear Pedri screams in excitement. I shake my head and laugh. 'Gotta go, we're having a training session. You won't regret this.' Pedri says. I say goodbye and I hang up the phone.

I went to a little supermarket down the street. I called Mikky to tell her that I was coming, but Pedri already told her. She was super happy. I kind of regret my choices, but I guess I have to go now. Sira also sent me a text that all the offers in the envelope are still available. 

I walk towards the vegetable department to grab a cucumber when I get called again. I roll my eyes, can't I just have one moment in silence? I see that it's Pedri again. I pick up the phone.

'Yes?' I ask annoyed. 'I have a question actually.' Pedri says. I sign while walking towards the strawberries. 'Why is Lily not talking to me?' Pedri asks. 'Isn't she?' I ask. 

I know Lily isn't. She said that she's mad at Pablo for being a dick to me. I actually appreciate it, if Lily isn't talking to Pedri so much, I also don't have to talk to Pablo. Awkward situations are thus avoided. 

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