'For the record... I'm not gonna regret this at all' (18 +)

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A/N: You guys might've seen it but this chapter is 18 + ⚠️(I honestly don't give a fck if you're below 18 and still read it, I just wanna put it there for the people that don't wanna read smut or stuff like that) 

Basically there will be some sort of smut... not really but yk. And they're gonna do drugs (just weed) so if you're sensitive for that or anything then just skip this chapter, because it's not necessary for the storyline. It's just a fun chapter and next chapter I will give a little harmless recap of what happened here.

WARNING⚠️: Maybe you guys are gonna get robbed... so my apologies in advance

(I skipped my math homework for this so you better like it <3)

Okay enjoy guys and I'll probably upload not much cause of my exams, I hope you guys will understand!!!


'I think so.' I whisper.

Pablo smiles. 'Everything would have been so different if it wasn't for Pedri...' I mumble, looking down at my feet. I'm just not sure what to do right now. 

Then I feel Pablo's finger under my chin pointing my head upwards. I now look straight into his big brown eyes. They look at me with carefulness. 

'Can we not think about Pedri for a while?' he whispers. I nod immediately.
He's right... Pedri has no right to decide who I like. In fact... we're not even family. I might have known him since childhood, but now that I am eighteen, I'm old enough to make my own choices. 

"I just hate how he treats girls. He makes them feel special, and then he drops out. Telling me he's not ready for a relationship. I know he might be not, but he'll make girls believe he is ready. If you want to live at my house, I have one rule: don't date Pablo. It's best for you. Really."

Well, Pedri. You were wrong. Pablo never cheated and he never left me. We had our ups and downs, but we're still here.

Right now in his hallway, in pure darkness, we're still here.
Outside I hear a few cars driving by, but if it weren't for that, it was completely quiet. I can see Pablo's eyes shining a tiny bit of light into the darkness.

'Nina?' Pablo pulls my face slightly to his for my attention, all this time his hand is still on my bare shoulder. And he is still waiting for the answer to his question. 

'Yes, sounds like a good idea...' I say. Pablo smiles and bends all the way forward now. He puts his lips on mine, grabs my back, and pulls me against him.

Slowly our kiss is getting faster and faster, getting... wilder, but in a good way. My hands move from along my body to his chest... and then to his hair. I hear a soft moan and I smile through the kiss.

Then he suddenly withdraws. I lean back in, but he moves his face a little further from mine, so I can't touch his lips again. 

'Maybe we'd better go upstairs.' he says and he looks around to the hallway. 

I giggle and I nod. We walk up the stairs together, half tripping and laughing about all the mess on the floor. As soon as we get to the top, Pablo grabs my waist and smoothly pulls me into another room. I'm so amazed by the quick movement that he pins me against the wall with the greatest of ease. 

His body is against mine and with one hand he holds my waist in place and with the other he holds my wrist. 

'We're going to regret this so much if Pedri finds out...' he says with a smile, not looking guilt-ridden at all. 

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