Got caught...

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Song: Mine by Bazzi

I feel like I should come with an answer...

Pablo told me he liked me, almost a week ago. Right now it's Tuesday and last Friday (in the laser tag- arcade) he told me he liked me. This whole week I haven't seen him. We have text A LOT. We even face timed... 

Not every girl in the world texts with a famous footballer all day... I know. Waking up with the thought that I'm living with a famous footballer, texting in a group-chat full of famous footballers and being a VS-model, is pretty great. My socials have blown up since the show. TikTok is full off edits, I don't really watch my own edits. I feel pretty awkward looking at my own face all the time on my for you page. 

This whole week was SO boring. I thought that when I would turn eighteen, I would go to clubs everyday and that I would feel... different. But nothing changed actually. I'm still the same and I still don't go to clubs. Being eighteen has been pretty boring. This whole fcking week I spend my time working on my college-applications. I'm not sure were I wanna go yet, so I'm applying everywhere. 

I'm actually typing them right now. The question is: Where will you be in five years? I've stared at this question for about eight minutes now. Where will I be... a better question is: who will I be? And the best question of all is: with who will I be. I put my fingers on the keyboard and I start typing:

Where will I be in five years, is a great question. I'm not quite sure how to answer that.

I look at the answer that I just typed in Word. Okay, with this, I'm not getting into any colleges at all. I sign and then I hear my phone ring. It's Lily. I close my laptop and get comfortable in my bed. 'What's up?' I ask. 'Guess what!!!' Lily screams. I sign. 'What?' I ask. 'A random man just emailed me. He spoke to Nicole and he said I was perfect for his brand. I replied, and Nicole called me to tell me that I'll have a shoot... tomorrow!' she screams through the phone. 'Great Lil! Good lu-' but Lily hushes me. 'Nin! Wait. I haven't told you the best part yet!' she screams. 'Guess what his brand is?' she asks and a silence falls. I sign again, realizing I'll have to answer her again. 'What?' I ask. 'CHANEL!' she screams. Now I get excited too. 'Wait what?!' I scream. 'YES! He isn't like the boss or something, but he's one of the "designers" off the new perfume that is coming out next month. He wants ME to be the face of his perfume!!!' she screams. 'What do you mean by the face?' I ask. I got up now and I start walking through my room. 'You know. If he thinks I'm good, I'll be in all the commercials and maybe even on the perfume bottle!' Lily screams. 'OOH MY FKING GOD!' I scream now. This is huge! Lily will be "the face" of a new Chanel perfume. Holy shit! Lily starts screaming too and laughs because of my excitement.

'What is going on?' I look to my door and Pedri is standing in the doorway. 'You were screaming? What happened?' Pedri asks looking concerned. 'Lily just got a job at CHANEL!' I scream. Pedri rolls his eyes. 'Is that seriously why I paused the fking match?' he says and walks down again. I roll my eyes. I don't care about that football match now, being a model for Chanel is way more important!

I do feel a little lousy. Lily already has a new show and I'm still a little stuck. My next officially planned runway show is in three months. Till that show I have practices and a few photo shoots, but I also want a little bit more excitement. 

I hoped Aurora would tell me more about that "world cup show", but she hasn't texted me about it, and I feel a little awkward to ask her. 'When are we gonna celebrate?' I ask Lily. 'Well, I can't hang today. Ooh and I'm so so sorry, but i can't come tomorrow.' I frown. 'Tomorrow? What is planned tomorrow?' I ask Lily in confuse. 'ooh my god! Do you ever read the group-chat?' Lily asks. I sign and open my phone. A lot of texts in the group chat: Beachnights 🌊👌. 

I'm your Angel | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now