Only 48 hours in Paris

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A/N: Had a lot of trouble posting but here it is! (finally)


'Do you have everything?' Mikky asks while handing me my water bottle. 'Yes, I think so.' I answer while checking everything one more time. Pedri is dropping us off at the airport because Frenkie had an appointment. We're finally leaving for Paris, the city of love!

Noa, Laura, Kathrine and Anna are also coming with us. I've already met Laura and Noa in Qatar; they're both great girls! Anna, I met her at Christmas, but I haven't spoken to her yet. Kathrine is new to me, but Mikky told me she was also an amazing girl. 

I'm in the driver's seat next to Pedri and Mikky is in the back. She's already stressing about everything, and we aren't even a the airport yet. Suddenly I hear my phone ping.

Pablo: Good flight!

Me: Thanks! Good luck with your game.

Pablo: I can't wait until you're back.

Me: It's only 4 dayss

Pablo: That's too long

Me: No.

Pablo: Yes.

Me: Why can't you wait until I'm back?

Pablo: Because then we can finally ... yk

Me: OMG. I'm never coming back to Barcelona after this sentence

Pablo deleted a message

Pablo: Better?

Me: Nope I'm already traumatized for the rest of my life

Pablo: So it doesn't matter if I say it again? 


Pablo: I mean, when you're back I'll come and pick you up from the airport.

Me: Okay?

Pablo: And then we go on a date

Me: Ooh okay

Pablo: Sounds good?

Me: Yes.

Pablo: Good

Me: So that's what you meant with ... yk?

Pablo: Yeah totally

Me: Sure sure

Pablo: Yes Nina, not all of us are dirty-minded

Me: Well I am

Pablo: Yep same

Me: I knew it

Pablo: Have fun in Paris❤️

Me: I will

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