Show Time

6K 96 17

Song: Into it by Chase Atlanic

I tap my foot on the floor, while Monica is getting off my make-up, I did at home. Monica needs to apply new make-up later, because this look needs to get off first before applying a new one. I'm also wearing the white dress under a bath robe, Lily and Rickey are wearing the same black dress. My hair is styled for one of the first times.

 My hair is styled for one of the first times

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I watch myself in the mirror. I look... different. Monica smiles at me. 'Okay, you're done. Now you should go to the nail station.' I nod and thank her. Lily is right behind me, and sits on the chair in front of the mirror instead of me. I walk to the nail polish table and I see Kendall sitting there. She's not done yet and I have to wait. She smiles at me. 'Are you after me?' she asks. I'm a little shocked Kendall Jenner is talking to me. 'Yes...' I say. She nods. 'You're one of the new talents right?' she asks. 'Yes...' I say again. 'Nervous?' she asks. I don't know why this super model is talking to me, but I answer her. 'Yes, very.' I admit. She smiles. 'I was too, but trust me, the rehearsals are super strict, but on stage you'll relax and when you come of stage, you'll dance and scream and jump! It'll be amazing.' she reassures me. I still feel nervous, but I smile. 'So, you're on department stars?' she asks. 'Yes, before we'll go on stage, Arnold's assistant will spray our whole dress with glitter, so we'll represent stars.' I explain. She nods. 'Sounds good, well it's your turn!' she says and stands up. Now she's way taller than I am. Kendall is about 5,10 ft. I'm about 5,5 ft. I'm actually a little too small to be a model, but I got in because of my 'natural beauty' Nicole said. I haven't done any plastic surgery, so that's why it's special I have enough beauty to be a VS model. I take place at Kendall's seat, and a random lady starts polishing my nails. 

It's very busy in the dressing room. The dressing room is very big. I think almost a hundred people are in this room. From make-up artist, to the models, to the big bosses, to the designers, to the interns to all the other people working here. Lily got outside a minute ago and she face-times me. 'Yo, I'm outside now and look how many people are here.' Lily is wearing Joshua's way too big jacket and little clouds are coming out of her mouth. 'It's freezing here.' she explains. She films a line of almost a thousand people. I feel my nervous butterflies in my stomach coming back again. 'Holy shit.' I say and I feel an angry look from the nail polish lady coming my way. 'Ehm... I mean holy ehm... never mind...' I hear Lily chuckle through the phone. 'I've already seen Pedri and the team. Two girls where with them. I didn't know Pablo had a girlfriend?' Lily says. 'Sorry, what?!' I say and I move my hand. The angry nail polish lady signs aggressively. 'I mean..' I say softer: 'I didn't know that?' Lily looks confused. 'Did he say it was his girlfriend?' I ask. 'No, but they were walking hand in hand. She had brown hair and was very pretty.' I sign. 


'Do you see them now?' I ask. 'I think so, but they're far away.' Lily answers and I see her looking around the crowd. 'Please go there, I wanna see the girl...' I whisper. Lily laughs. 'Sure, why do you care so much?' she asks. I feel my face redden. 'Ooh, no he's just a good friend of mine.' I try, but I know Lily is a lie-detector. 'Yeah, a very good friend.' Lily says teasing and I roll my eyes. I hear her squeezing through the big crowd. 'Pedri! PEDRI! Over here.' I hear her say and then I hear a lot of voices. 'Hey! Lily? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be inside?' Pedri asks. 'Yes, but I'm showing Nina the crowd.' Lily says. 'Ooh you're calling Nina?' I hear a recognizable voice saying. It's Aurora! Of course... 'Yes, who are you?' Lily asks. 'Ooh, sorry I'm Aurora, Pablo's sister. I also work here so you'll probably see me after the show.' Aurora explains. 'Ooh okay, well here is Nina.' I hear Lily say. 'No Lily!' I say, but it's too late she gave the phone to Pablo. 'Hey Nina!' I hear Aurora say. Shit, I mean I don't look at my best, without make-up and my hair in a sort of papillotes (sort of pins to make your hair a bit wavy without using heat.) 'Ehm, hi Aurora.' I say while not putting my face in the picture. 'Ehm, where are you?' Aurora asks. 'Ehm, well I'm getting ready, so I can't film myself.' I lie. 'Ooh Nina you can!' I hear Lily scream. Omg shut up. 'Lily you have to come back now.' I say to make sure Lily won't emberrase me even more. 'Says who?' 'Ehm, well... Monica.' I lie again. 'Ooh okay. Be there asap.' I hear Lily say and then the call ends.

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