Pablo is... gone

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Lily and I look to the sides and there we see Pedri, he looks a bit tired but still smiles. He's clearly amused.
'Come on, get in. Or do you guys wanna sleep on the streets tonight?'

At first I'm too shocked to say anything. Am I hallucinating? Am I sleeping? Is this one big nightmare? Lily, on the other hand, doesn't hesitate for a second and grabs my hand to pull me to the car. I don't go along willingly, but I don't stop her either. 'Come on Nina. You still have to make it up to him.' she says and then she opens the back door. I get in and Lily then gets in next to me. 

Pedri turns around. 'What on earth are you two doing here in the middle of the night? I don't know what it's like in New York, but in Barcelona it's not entirely safe for two teenage girls.' he doesn't sound angry, he sounds more concerned. I don't look at him and Lily remains silent momentarily. 

'Are you guys drunk or something?' he asks. 'No, we were on our way to you! And by the way, you're not our father.' Lily then says. Now Pedri seems even more confused. 'Why were you guys on your way to me?' he asks ignoring the father part. 

'Long story. Can we please just go now?' she asks annoyed. 'Why were you on your way to me?' Pedri asks again. Lily sighs not willingly to give an answer. 'Nina?' Pedri asks and he now turns to me. I see how tired Lily is so I decide to give the answer. 'We were on our way to your for a phone char-' but Lily cuts me off. 'A better question is actually what you were doing here.' she says. 

'I was on my way to see you two.' Pedri then answers. 'You both haven't answered your phones for two days, so I wanted to check if you guys weren't dead.' Then I finally look at him. It took me a while to gather the courage, but when I see his face I'm a little shocked. Pedri suddenly seems many times older. He has bags under his eyes that he didn't have before and he looks very tired. 

'We were on our way to you because we ran out of phone chargers.' Lily says. Pedri sighs. 'Do you want to grab a charger and go home after that or...?' he looks at Lily questioningly and then briefly at me. But I'm looking away again. My whole head is spinning, I just want to check my messages and go to bed. 

'Yeah... ehm... funny story, we also forgot our house keys.' Lily says.
'Jesus. You two really can't do anything.' he says.
'And this is why I didn't want to say anything.' Lily mumbles, but Pedri doesn't hear her anymore and starts the engine.


Not many minutes later we are standing in front of Pedri's house, only now it is completely dark. We quickly get out of the car and it feels a bit like I'm there for the first time again. Nostalgia, I hate it. One moment it makes you so happy, and grateful that you were able to experience all your memories. And then it makes you very sad, because you know that you will never experience those wonderful moments again. 

I try not to stare at the front door for too long and quickly follow Pedri and Lily inside. The house is cold, a bit deserted. Like coming back after a long holiday. Pedri turns on the light and I see the kitchen again. There is a charger in the kitchen unit, the third drawer from the left. Lily knows it too and she sprints to the drawer. 

She looks at me questioningly. 'You go first, we have to know how Aria is doing first.' I mumble. Lily sprints to the socket with a grateful look. 'There's another one upstairs.' Pedri then says. Lily sits down next to her phone and looks at me encouragingly. I sigh, this conversation has to happen someday. 

'I'll help searching.' I say. Pedri nods and we walk upstairs together. As soon as I get upstairs I see the door to my room. I try not to look at it too long, but I think Pedri saw my gaze passing by. '' I cough to buy some time while Pedri bends down to check the socket. 

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