If only we had one charger...

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One missed call from Pablo...

I look at my phone. He called me. Why would he call me after 11 days of ghosting me? My hands are a bit shaky and I see he didn't leave a voicemail or a text. I bite my lip. Should I call him back? Maybe his finger slipped when he wanted to call someone else...

A few weeks ago I wouldn't hesitate to call him. I would probably just text him or whatever, but now I'm nervous. I don't know how he feels about me. Does he still like me? Do I still mean anything to him? I have so many questions. 

A month ago I felt super comfortable around him. We practically had a relationship, we just didn't make it official. Partly because of the whole Pedri situation but also because I didn't want any media attention at the moment. I'm already in the spotlight and I don't know if a relationship with the Pablo Gavi will improve my status. Lots of hate or people thinking my success is because of Pablo is not what I want so early in my career. 

Those are two fair reasons for not having a relationship, however, we basically did what every couple would do. And then it was all gone, in literally one hour. Everything went way too fast,
we went way too fast.
Young and naive, is probably a good description of what happened in the past six months. 

They went by so quickly and me and Pablo did so much together.
Going to Qatar together and the whole Amila situation feels like a lifetime ago.
Or the Christmas dinner, where we had to share a bed.
Going to the beach for the first time and playing volleyball on his shoulders, or my birthday when we went laser gaming however I'm not even good at laser gaming.
I remember when he made sure I got home safe after I got way too drunk at the club,
when I tripped and he caught me,
I remember when he showed me his "secret spot" which wasn't secret at all. He never showed me his real one, he only pointed at it. Maybe I'll never get to see it...
I remember him being jealous of Jude,
I remember all our arguments,
I remember us sharing a bed in Qatar when I lost my keys,
I remember his lips,
his hands,
his eyes.
I remember the night a few days ago when he touched me. His fingers explored my whole body, I explored his body. He was touching my body, but he was also touching my soul. And it felt like I touched his too.
I remember when he told me he loved me for the first time, in Qatar in the middle of the night.
I remember the movie nights,
I remember when we ran for the paparazzi,
when he took me on a date.
I remember sitting on his lap when there wasn't enough space in the car.
I remember every single time we looked at each other knowing no one else knew.
When only the two of us knew we liked each other. The times we were always a bit thrilled, a bit scared, a bit excited, scared for anyone to find out about our secret.
I remember all our laughs,
all our tiers,
all our chats,
and our kisses.

Looking back at it everything sounds fun and exciting, but in reality, we were dumb and just in love. 

I sigh, maybe I shouldn't call him back... I'm probably over obsessing. He probably doesn't remember any of these memories... Oh, who am I kidding?!

I sigh, here we go. 

And just when I'm about to click his name, my phone shuts off. Out of battery.

I groan, why when I'm about to call him? The universe hates me...

I walk over to the kitchen where the phone charger usually is. When I look around the kitchen I can't find it anywhere. Lily probably took it because her phone was almost dying. I sigh and walk to the couch. I hate this so much, I just wanna talk to him. Stupid phone.


Someone is banging on the front door. I quickly sit up straight, I must have fallen asleep, because outside it's starting to get darker and darker. I get up and walk to the front door. There I see Lily. I'm surprised when I see she looks happy and her cheeks have a natural blush. I open the door and she smiles when she sees me. Her eyes are twinkling. 

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