New Rules

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Song: New Rules by Dua Lipa

I freeze when I see the people on the beach. Ansu points at us. Mikky covers her open mouth with her hand and the rest of the people on the beach just... stare. Even the reading woman with the weird colorful hat stares at this scene. 




If Pedri sees this, I can say bye bye to Barcelona. bye bye to Pablo, bye bye to my career as a model, bye bye to Spain. Maybe I'm imagining it a bit... but what if Pedri actually refuse to live with me anymore? I already imagine myself on the plane back to America. 

Pablo, is still holding me, stiffened. He's about to let me go when I hiss in his ear: 'Pretend to hug me!' he looks at me confused. 'Just do what I say.' I whisper. Pablo wraps his arms around me and hugs me. 

We stand there for a few seconds until I hear Mikky scream. 'Ooh! They're just hugging!' nobody reacts, now I let go of Pablo. 'Ooh hey guys!' I say super overly surprised. 'We didn't notice you.' Everybody looks at us in confusion. 'Were you guys... kissing?' Ansu asks. I laugh excessively loud. 'What?! Us? No! Never!' I say. Pablo fake-laughs too now. 'Kissing? Us? Why would you think that?' Frenkie opens his mouth to say something, but I see Mikky giving him a punch in his stomach, to shut him up. 

Ferran and Memphis frown, confused about what they just saw, but Pedri doesn't looks convinced. Pablo and I get out of the water fast and I grab my towel. Everybody is silent... it's very awkward. Mikky tries to break the silence. 'Wanna play volleyball?' she asks. 'Sure!' Ferran says and everybody moves to the volleyball net, except for me and Pedri. 

I pretend that there's nothing going on while typing on my phone. 'So what was that?' Pedri asks. I look at him. 'What are you talking about?' I say. Play dumb... play dumb, play dumb, play dumb. 'The fact that you just kissed my best friend.' I swallow. 'No... I hugged your best friend. You know, what you do with my best friend, that is kissing. What I did with your best friend is hugging. H-u-g-g-i-n-g.' I spell for him. He rolls his eyes. 'Thank you for the grammar lesson Nina. Now for real, tell the truth.' he says and looks in my eyes directly. Where are Lily's acting skills when I need them? 'I told you the truth. Want me to spell hugging again?' I ask him. He signs. 'Okay, if you promise that nothing happened.' he says. 

I roll my eyes. 'Can you stop with those promises. They annoy me.' I say. Pedri chuckles sarcastically. 'You just wanna break the promise that you made, don't you?' he asks. I sign. 'No...' I say. 'Well, make this new promise then.' Pedri says. I sign. 'Promise.' I say. Wow... I'm such a liar! My heart is pounding in my chest. It's going so fast, that I'm scared he might hear it! Pedri nods. 'Perfect.' he says. 'I believe you.' 

I smile, trying not to look to relieved. 'Guys are you coming?' Mikky screams. 'We're coming!!' me and Pedri scream. 

When I arrive at the volleyball net, Mikky already picked teams. Me and Pablo weren't together. I didn't mind. It was me, Mikky and Frenkie, against Ansu, Pablo, Pedri and Memphis. While Frenkie was getting the volleyball, I had some alone time with Mikky. 'So, was he a good kisser.' she asks and she smiles. I look at her and then I laugh. 'Yeah... he was.' I say. Mikky laughs too. 'Girl, you should win an Oscar for your acting skills.' she says. I smile. 'Thanks for "saving" me.' I say. Mikky gives me a playful punch. 'Don't worry, I think Pedri Ansu and Ferran actually didn't notice.' she says and I smile.


It's been two day since that kiss... since that amazing moment.... and since that ridiculous promise. I lied again and I actually hate myself. Pedri lets me sleep in his house for six fking months, he literally gives me a bed to sleep in and food. He had one rule, and I broke it, and then I lied about it. I know... I f*cked up. I promised myself to not lie again.

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