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Song: This is what heartbreak feels like by JVKE
Just don't cry, just don't cry, just don't cry.

I walk onto the stage, almost blinded by the bright light. Just keep going Nina. I keep up with the tempo of the music and confidently walk forward. "Make sure the love splashes off!" Well, no. I certainly won't.

I don't walk quite where I should, I made sure to stand a little further away from Pablo so that our hands don't touch. I'm just making sure no one can say anything about a bad performance from me. I'm not throwing my career away for a boy. With my head up and a straight back I walk to the end of the catwalk. There Pablo takes my hand and spins me in a circle, just like we practiced. I put a big fake smile on my face and then we turn around.

As soon as we're back in the wings I let go of his hand and my smile disappears. I don't look at Pablo. I don't want to see him. I feel another tear well up in my eye. I have to get out of here... quickly.

I walk to the communal dressing room. There are still a lot of models getting ready. I strangle myself through the group of people and try to get to the toilet as quickly as possible. Pablo is hot on my heels. It feels like he's a predator and I'm a fast little deer.

I'm safe in the toilet. He is not allowed in the ladies' bathroom, I'm safe in the toilet. I hear him coming after me. 'Nina, wait!' he says but I'll look through as quickly as possible. Finally I reach the ladies room.

I lock the door and sink to the floor. I suddenly feel all discharge being released. A tear rolls down my cheek. My whole heart hurts, literal physical pain. I swallow to moisten my dry throat, but it still feels like I'm suffocating.

I hear someone knocking on the door. I sigh, I can't go outside like this. 'Lily here!' a voice hisses. 'Come on open up.' I sigh and open the bathroom door. Lily squeezes in and locks the door. She turns and wraps her arms around me. Then everything comes out my shoulders start to shake and tears flow down my cheeks. I cry quietly into Lily's shoulder.

Then I let go after a few minutes. I check in the mirror and dab my face with some water from the tap. Lily grabs her big bag. It's from Chanel. Then I realize I never asked her about her new job at Chanel. I've been way to busy with myself!

'Okay. I've got concealer, lip gloss, mascara, and your dress.' she says and she hands me the stuff. I quickly change into the black mini dress and fix my make-up. I look normal again, well, actually I look fantastic. I straighten my hair and take a look at myself. Lily chuckles. 'You look amazing.' she says and she smiles. I give her a big hug. 'Thanks Lil.' I say softly. 'Always.' she says back.

I return to the massive room. I hope Pablo just doesn't notice me tonight and I can go home without any hassle. The room is full of people, everyone is at the bar or sitting at tables. Furthermore, there are also many people just walking around and others are toasting with wine at some other tables. I quickly walk to one of the back tables when I hear a voice behind me.

'Nina! There you are, we looked for you everywhere.' I turn and face Mr. Dallas face to face. Next to him is Pablo. He looks sad. I sigh and put a fake smile on my face. 'Come sit down...' he says, grabbing a chair for me. I swallow awkwardly and take a seat next to Pablo.

'You guys were fantastic! I have already had to pass on your name to a lot of people Nina. Everyone was amazed.' he says. I smile weakly and out of the corner of my eye, I see that Pablo doesn't even respond.

Mr. Dallas swallows uncomfortably. 'Maybe it's just me... but it feels like your chemistry has been a little off since the last rehearsal.' he says. The smile on my face disappears. 'Well... um...' I briefly consider just telling Mr. Dallas about this shitty move from Pablo, but Pablo beats me to it. 'We're just nervous.' he says and puts his arm around me. A small jolt runs through my body as his arm touches my shoulders and neck. His fingertips move slowly back and forth over the naked skin of my arm.

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