Movie night

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Song: Unforgettable by French Montana ft. Swae Lee

My outfit for the movie night is very cute. I'm wearing an oversized light blue hoodie, with the words: you can do it on the back in green letters. Under, I'm wearing a blue cropped top with white shorts. The outfit is comfortable. My hair is wet and I put it in a matching light blue hairclip. I'm not taking a bag, because I'll only need my phone. My make-up is washed off by the shower, and I re-apply it, but more natural this time. Again I wear my white air forces. 

'Shorty! Are you ready to leave?' Pedri screams from downstairs. 'I'm coming!' I react. Ugh. am I seriously reacting to "shorty"? I run down stairs. Pedri changed into a Nike-Tech sweatpants with a plain white T-shirt. 

When we arrive at Frenkie's house everybody is already there. Me and Pedri picked up Lily on our way to Frenkie. I ring the bell and we wait outside. A blonde haired girl opens up the door. She wears a low waisted blue paints with a black cropped top. She looks gorgeous and she gives us a big smile. She gives me, Pedri and Lily a hug and leads us to the living room. She's Mikky, Frenkie's fiancé. Frenkie, Ansu, Ferran and two other guys are sitting on the couch. Pablo isn't there. I feel a little disappointed. 

Ferran smiles when I walk in. Ansu moves up and I sit next to him on the couch, while Pedri and Lily go to the kitchen to grab a drink. Mikky sits on a pouf  in front of me. 'So, I've actually thought about you supporting Brazil, and it's okay. I think they aren't gonna make it to the finals anyways!' Ansu says. Mikky raises her eyebrows. 'Well well Ansu. If Nina wants to support Brazil she should go for it!' Mikky says and she smiles at me. I smile back. 'I'm also not supporting Spain, I'm supporting the Netherlands!' 'Yeah and we all hate you for that.' Ferran says laughing. 'I'm so glad you're here.' Mikky whispers to me while the boys argue which film they wanna watch. 'I'm always the only woman, and I could use some feminine energy in this house.' I smile. 'Thanks for inviting me.' 'No problem! I heard your living at Pedri's.' Mikky says. 'Yes! His house is amazing, however I would rather live with Lily, but unfortunately her apartment is too small for the both of us.' Mikky nods. 'And you're a VS model right?' 'Yes' I respond.' Mikky looks at me admiring. 'I have so much respect for that! Really, I actually have a ticket to go to the show.' I smile. 'It would be lovely if you wanted to come!' I say. Mikky looks relieved. 'Glad you said that! I was scared you would think I was to interfering!' 

'What show are you guys talking about?' Pablo sits next to me on the couch. I'm a little surprised he's here. 'Finally done looking for you sweater?' Mikky asks. 'Yes, I think I left it at Pedri's this morning, because it's definitely not here!' Pablo says. Mikky smiles. 'We were talking about the VS show. You guys are coming too right?' Mikky asks all the boys. I almost suffocate in fright. 'Yes I've got cards!' Ferran says. 'Going where?' Lily and Pedri joined the group again. 'To the VS show.' Ferran says. I see Lily looking at me scared as well. 'Did you get tickets Ferran?' Pedri asks. 'Yes!' Ferran says. 'Move a little Pablo!' Pedri says. Pablo moves closer to me, so Lily and Pedri can also sit in the couch. I feel our legs touch each other. We have short eye-contact but I break it fast again. 'I'll go if Memphis is going!' Frenkie says. One off the guys I didn't recognize laughs. 'Well, I'm going so you're going too Frenk.' Memphis says. Mikky makes eye contact with me. Her look says: Are you okay with that? I don't answer her look. Pedri breaks the laughter of the boys. 'Lily, Nina are you guys cool with that?' I immediately look at Lily. She always loves to be the center of the attention, so now I'll let her be the center. Lily blushes a bit. 'Yeah, sure?' she says and looks at me. 'Yes! it'll be fun.' I say. OMG why did I say that? Now they're all going! The boys cheer and I see Lily looking at me surprised. 'Alright what movie are we watching?' Ansu asks. 'Eric, give me the iPad.' Frenkie says.

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