Lily's POV

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Heyy guys I'm back. After like a month. I'm sorry for not posting for so long. I took a break from this book because my writing became bad. I didn't have any inspiration anymore and I was soooo tired. But now I have ideas again and I love writing so I'm back. We're skipping a bit of time and we're seeing different POV's this chapter so it's a bit messy.

DISCLAIMER: this chapter is pretty depressed. Next chapter will get better and I already wrote it so it'll be posted soon. Enjoy and thank you to everyone who supports or enjoys my book it means lots to me 💝💝

Nina's POV:

One week later....

Everything can break. Yes, you heard that right... everything. Only fools think that what they have lasts forever. 

Surprise! Nothing is forever. Not even you, everyone is born to die. Everything that lives, everything we can see eventually breaks down. For the past few months I thought I had something that couldn't break. 

Surprise... apparently it is possible. For a whole week I didn't talk to Mikky... not to Sira... not to Pedri... not to Ferran. Boom... gone... all my friends, gone. My hand is on my phone... shaking every day. Should I call Pablo? Should I text Pedri? Maybe Mikky? No. I shouldn't interfere. I shouldn't ruin friendships, I shouldn't leave shards of things I break. Because in exactly four weeks, I'll be safely on a plane back to New York. Then the others can step into my shards and clean them up.

Okay, enough with the self pity. I am a well-paid model, who immediately after losing her virginity was ignored by both her "boyfriend" and the rest of her friends. Okay, maybe I am miserable. 

My head is laying onto the thinnest pillow I've ever had, but that's not the reason I woke up this morning. Something else just landed onto my head and it smells gross. 'Ooh my god Aria watch out!' I recognize Lily's voice. Wait... where am I?

I open my eyes and then I remember where I am. I'm laying on an air mattress in Aria's apartment and I think Aria just stood on my head. 'Sorry, I'm not used to someone on my floor!' Aria hisses back. 

Aria has been the best ever. She doesn't even know me that well, because she's Lily's cousin, but still lets me crash at her place. Yes, you've heard it right: I am homeless. Not officially, but I didn't go back to Pedri's house after he found out. I'm too scared for what will happen if I do. 

The night after I did "it" with Pablo, I went straight to Lily and since then Aria just let me live in her apartment. I'm so grateful that she didn't made a big deal out of it. I remember that exact moment. Aria in her pyjama standing in the doorframe, me in the middle of the night in Pablo's t-shirt and Lily basically screaming about that we were gonna have the best sleepover ever. I told her and Lily everything. Lily even bought me a cake to celebrate that I wasn't a virgin anymore. That was very awkward and humiliating, but Lily thought it was fun. 

I remember that since then everything went downhill... Lily and I have one month and two weeks left in Barcelona. That might sounds short, but I wouldn't mind if we had to leave tomorrow. This week felt like the end of the world.

I hate myself, and I think everyone at the moment agrees. Nobody texted me, except for Ansu who called me yesterday and Pablo texted once. Ansu told me to talk to Pedri, because training with the team was unbearable. He said Pedri and Pablo couldn't stand each other and kept being annoying and awkward. 

Mikky, Sira and Aurora didn't text or called me at all. Probably to stay out of this mess. Pedri also didn't say anything. I don't know what happened, but it's my fault. I just don't know how to fix it. Apologizing isn't gonna work. I'm actually counting the days until I can go back to America.

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