The right choice

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Song: You were good to me by Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler


'Thank God! Finally!' Lily calls immediately and snatches the phone from my hands. 'Nina is that you?' it's Pablo's voice. He sounds a little sleepy. Logical since we call him at 2 AM. I quickly grab the phone back and hold it closer to my mouth. 'Yes, it's me... um... where are you right now?' I ask. 'In bed...why are you calling?' I hesitate before answering, but Lily is impatient and quickly snatches the phone from my hands. 'Listen Gavira. We need you. Can you come and pick us up... like right now?' Lily asks. 

On the other end of the line we hear Pablo roll over and groan. 'Why? What is going on?' Lily sighs. 'It's a long story, we're stuck in a club in Qatar, somewhere in a random VIP booth where we weren't allowed to go. Anyway, we're locked up, and you're the only one answering...' Lily says, nudging me. 'Say something.' she hisses at me without Pablo hearing. 'Who are we?' Pablo asks. Lily is now giving me a hard punch. 'Ow!' I scream. 'Um... Nina and Lily.' I say. I hear Pablo sigh. 'Which club are you?' he asks. Lily rolls her eyes again. 'There's only one club in Qatar Gavira...' she says. 

'Okay... I'll come and pick you guys up, the only problem is I don't have a car...' there's a moment of silence. I sigh. 'Doesn't Pedri has a car?' Lily asks. 'I honestly have no idea where Pedri is... probably also drinking his problems away somewhere...' Pablo says. Lily nods slowly. 

'You don't have to come if it's too much trouble...' I say. Lily looks at me confused. I mute myself for a moment. 'Listen. He owes me nothing. It's kind of my fault he felt bad last night and he can't help it that we were so drunk and stupid to end up in this situation.' I say. 'Well, because of him, Amila hates us, and because of Amila we are here. So technically it's his fault.' Lily says as if it's the simplest thing in the world. I put the phone back on speaker.

'No, I'll take care of it. I'll see you in a few minutes.' Pablo says. I'm quite surprised he's coming to get us... after yesterday. 'Yes! Thank you, bye!' says Lily quickly and she immediately hangs up. 

I sigh. 'What?'  Lily asks. 'Just, seeing him is going to be... interesting.' I say. Lily puts her arm around me. 'Better than getting caught in here.' she says. And she gets up, she zigzags a little bit, probably because she's still drunk. My head is now bursting with headaches. It's like my hangover has already started. '

After ten short minutes of waiting, we hear someone rattling the door handle. Shocked, me and Lily look at each other. 'Who is there?' Lily asks hesitantly. 'Who do you think.' says a recognizable voice. 'Thank God.' Lily says. 'Jesus, how did you guys get this door so locked. It's stuck...' says Pablo's muffled voice as he rattles the door. 'We didn't do it, it wa-'
'I don't care who did this. Give me a second.' Me and Lily look at each other for a moment. One second for what? Then we get our answer, because suddenly we hear loud bangs against the door. Three blows later, the door flies open, the lock shattering. The splinters fly around and the door handle lies on the floor. 

Pablo steps through the hole in the door and looks at the mess he just made. 'Shall we go?' he says as if it's just the usual that he just kicked down the door. Lily doesn't hesitate for a moment and runs out of the door without even looking at Pablo. I follow a little slower and take another look at the mess on the ground. 'Sometimes you have to make sacrifices.' Pablo says and he shrugs. I nod and now follow Lily out the door. Pablo follows me. 

Soon we're back in the public club. It is even busier than before and people are dancing and drinking everywhere. Me and Pablo squeeze through the crowd until we are back at the entrance / exit. I look around, but Lily is nowhere to be found. Pablo is right behind me. 

'Where's Lily?' he asks. 'No idea.' I say and I turn around, but I didn't realize I was so close to him and I crash completely with my full face against his chest. I quickly take a step back. Oops... I look up and briefly meet Pablo's gaze. For a moment I see a touch of affection in his look... a little... love? But then he quickly breaks eye contact and looks behind him. 

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