Night adventures

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'Catch!' Mikky says and she throws a black sweater at me. I turn around quickly, but I'm too late and the sweater lands full in my face. Lily laughs loudly and I roll my eyes and smooth my hair. 

'Okay, let's go through the plan one more time.' Mikky says softly. 'We climb out through this hotel window, we only have to go through that one alley and then we're on the right side of the boys' hotel. Then we climb over the fence there.' Mikky points all over the map at random places. 'I've arranged that Frenkie will come out as soon as I text him the code word: Donkey'
'Donkey? What kind of code word is that!' I say.
'SSSttt.' Lily hisses. 'Then he comes out and we can talk to him for a while. Then he goes inside and we follow exactly the way we came. Clearly?' Mikky asks. Lily nods firmly. 

I roll my eyes. 'Would you like to hear my plan?' I ask. Lily shakes her head, but I continue anyway. 'We'll walk out of the hotel, go to Frenkie's hotel, walk to his room, then go back home.' I say simply. 

Mikky looks at me confused. 'Why would we do that?' Lily asks. I sigh. 'So that we don't die when we fall off the roof of this hotel. I don't know, but climbing out of the window from the eighth floor sounds more like suicide!' I say. 

Mikky sighs now too. 'Nina, you know what is suicide? Being seen by that coach! If he sees us, we'll be screwed already!' she says. I know she's right. Being seen by the coach isn't that bad for us, but that gets Frenkie in trouble. But on the other hand, I don't want to die. 

There is also really no reason for me to go, I don't necessarily have to see Frenkie. Lily chuckles. 'Come on! It's fun anyway. Finally a little tension.' she says. 'Don't you want to go to Pedri?' Mikky asks. 

For a second I see a longing look in Lily's eyes. But that soon gives way to hatred. 'No. Rather not.' she says. I look at her for a moment and then I sigh. 'I'll come with you guys. But Lily, please go to Pedri.' I say. 

I don't want to hold back Lily, and I know Pedri was sad and they both deserve love. 'Really?' she asks.' I nod. She smiles at me gratefully.

'Shall we go now?' Mikky asks, who is starting to get impatient. We both nod.

Now I am in the air, almost 50 meters above the ground. I'm afraid of heights.

Do what you fear!
That's what my mom used to tell me. 

I'm hanging on a rope. Of course I had to go first, we did rock paper scissors. I still don't know why I'm doing this. It's silly, but I have to admit it's quite exciting indeed. 

The rope is tied quite tightly around my waist. I wear black leggings and a black sweater. Mikky also put a black hat on my head. It itches terribly, but according to Lily it was super necessary. "We have to look undercover!" I lower myself little by little. More and more and more... 

As I sink down like this, I think about my life. And not suicide or death, but all the drama. I think of Pablo and how everything is broken. He's said sorry a hundred times, of course, but the last time I spoke to him on Pedri's phone, he didn't seem to care. I also didn't respond to him DM on insta about how my flight was. The fact that Amila is in Qatar says enough about that whole story about his mother. 

Finally I arrive at the ground. I'm surprised I'm still alive. 


According to Mikky's old-fashioned map, there should have been an alley here. We are now walking through a deserted part of Qatar. It is a large construction site and we literally walk among the rubble. Now we have arrived at a big thick wall. According to the map, we should have reached a narrow alley that would lead us directly to the large hotel where all the football players are staying.
'I just don't understand!' Mikky says. 'There's really supposed to be an alley here.' Lily shines the flashlight over the wall one more time, as if hoping to find the alley after all. 

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