Us against the world

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'Where are we going now?' I ask as Pablo turns on the engine. 'Camp Nou.' he replies. 'So the whole world can see who my girlfriend is.'

In Pablo's car the moment has finally arrived: I can charge my phone. As soon as I have a battery, I send Pedri a text message that we are arriving now. The match starts in an hour, and normally the entire team gathers 3 hours before the match starts to strategize or warm up. Pablo has already missed that anyway, but hopefully he will still make it to the match. 

He's fully dressed and ready to go. Pablo didn't waste a single minute. He drives through red lights when possible, zigzags between cars, drives on the emergency lane during traffic jams and exceeds the speed limit several times. 

'How many minutes do we have left?' he asks. 'Just 45 minutes before the match and 5 minutes to Camp Nou.' Pablo presses the gas pedal even harder and I shoot back in my seat. I'm actually wondering where I'll go next when Pablo plays the match. I don't have a ticket for the stadium, and girlfriends aren't allowed in the locker rooms. 

Then Pablo brakes with screeching brakes and I shoot forward. A little girl crosses the road. My heart beats into my throat when I see that Pablo almost hit her. Pablodoesn't seem bothered at all and then he takes my hand. 

'Thank you for coming to get me. I was really completely lost.' he says and looks at me. It feels strange to hold his hand, but in a good way. Then I look forward and see that the girl has crossed the road. Pablo immediately presses the accelerator again. 

'What were you even doing there?' I ask. Pablo shrugs his shoulders and just drives through the yellow light. 'I go there often when I need to think.' Pablo replies. 'And I wasn't sure I wanted to play the match without an answer from you first.' he says. 

'Do you have your answer now?' I ask and Pablo nods and squeezes my hand for a moment, but then he suddenly lets up and brakes hard. I fly forward again, but then I see that we are there. Pablo is parked at an angle and therefore takes up two spots. 

It is very busy around Camp Nou, but these places are reserved for the players. I have no idea why, but Pablo doesn't care because he quickly gets out. For a moment I don't know what to do, but then Pablo opens my door. 

'Come on, we have to run!' he says and takes my hand again and pulls me out of the car. I am momentarily surprised. 'Can I come in then?' I ask. 'We'll think of something.' Pablo says as he pulls me out of the parking lot by my hand. I let him lead me, but instead of going through the main entrance, Pablo walks to the side of the building. 

As soon as we enter we walk through a long corridor, it is completely deserted. 'How much time do we have left?'
'40 minutes.' I answer. 

Pablo stops abruptly and I also come to a stop. I look at him confused for a moment. 'You said 40 minutes?' I nod. 'Yes, is that too little?' I ask. Pablo smiles and then puts his hand against my cheek. 'It's just enough time.' and without any warning he kisses me. 

It's not a little kiss but a passionate French kiss. We soon find a rhythm and I feel how he now places his second hand on my face and slowly pushes us back. Every now and then we pull away for a moment to suck in a breath, but then the kiss continues. At one point I feel a cold wall in my back and Pablo pushes me against the wall. 

He holds me still and I now feel his knee slowly going between my legs, until he can go no further. I now have to stand on my toes because he slowly pushes me higher with his knee. I moan through the kiss, into his mouth, so it can't be heard, except to him. 

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