I still Love you

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Song name: You broke me first by Tate McRae

A/N: This the longest chapter that I've ever written. Contains 5503 words. Enjoy <33

When I wake up my whole body hurts. Every muscle is tensed. I also lay in a strange position all night. I yawn and snatch my phone from the bedside table. 2PM... 2PM!!! Shit. It's already two o'clock in the afternoon. I look at the bed next to me. Someone has slept in it, but Lily is clearly already gone... where could she be? I yawn again and open my mailbox. Find a sponsor is Nicole said. I scroll through the list, but I don't see a brand I know. I click on the first one I see. The account has 5 followers. Not very reliable... I sigh. There are hundreds of brands in my mailbox. There is probably one with a lot of followers, but to be honest I really don't feel like looking at it. Then I see that I have an email in the "important" box. I click on it and when I see who sent the email my heart jumps.

We need to talk.

I stare at the message. In high school I also got quite a lot of attention from boys. It was mostly because I was just pretty. I wasn't very "popular" in high school, but I also wasn't a loser... Boys would ask for my Snapchat and then I had conversations with them there. I had never experienced such a complicated situation with a boy. Usually if you blocked a guy or had an argument once, it was done. Then they would move on to the next girl and you would just go on with your life. That's just how things worked, there was nothing weird about it. 

This boy took a very different approach. I blocked his phone number... he DMed me on Instagram... I blocked him on Instagram... he emailed me! It's actually unbelievable and a bit stalkerish. But a part of me thinks it's kinda special... and attractive.

Then I hear someone knocking on the door. It wouldn't be him, would it? I walk to the door and open it when I see someone completely different. Mikky is at the door. Her whole face glows. Before I can say anything she walks into the room and slams the door shut behind her. 'Also good morning.' I mumble as Mikky jumps on the bed. 

'It's already noon! Have you seen it yet?' she asks. 'No...' I say and curiously sit next to her. 'YOU HAVE 1 MILLION FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM NINA!' Mikky screams. 'WHAT???' I yell back and snatch my phone off the bedside table. Then I see it. 1 Million Followers... 'OMG!' in one go I jump up from the bed and give Mikky a hug. 'And I have more good news!' Mikky yells. 'What is it?' I ask her. 

Mikky takes a deep breath and then sits down on the bed. 'So, as you know I have my own clothing brand...' I nod. Mikky has had her own clothing brand for a few years now. She sells hats, sweaters, caps really anything! I knew it, but Mikky never really talked about it much and we never talked about it! This was actually the first time. 'So... I'd like to release a new line.' Mikky says. 'I've already designed everything, and I based the line on Paris.' she says and she opens her phone and shows me some pictures. I take her phone and look at the pictures. The drawings are very beautiful. There are three types of sweaters, in black, white and brown. All with different things on it. 'Wow, that's great Mik!' I say as I scroll through the photos. 'And that's not even the good news!' Mikky squeals. I look up in surprise. 

'Okay, so... my managers and marketing managers said the most important thing is to have a good advertisement. So we went to a marketing agency, and they basically said it was best to go to Paris ourselves. There they want to make a kind of short video in which Paris is romanticized.' Mikky explains. I nod... 'And guess what!' Mikky screams and she suddenly takes a card from her bag. I take it and look at it. It is a ticket for a day at the Eiffel tower. 'We are going to Paris!' she says. 'Oh my god Mikky! That is amazing.' I say and give her another hug. Mikky smiles. 'Would you like to join me?' she asks. Only then I realize that I can come along. 'Wait are you serious?' I ask her. 'Yes. We only have to be in Paris to see if the video recordings are going well. Laura, Noa and Kaylee would also come along. I wanted to ask you to come with us, because we've become very close in a short time... and you're also vibing with the other girls!' Mikky says. 'Of course I want to come!' I call. Mikky smiles. 'Awesome. I actually have to go again now. I have to arrange everything for Paris!' she says excited. I smile. 'Yes of course. Good luck!' Mikky smiles and walks to the hotel room door. 'Ooh and there's another girl coming too. Her name is Alicia. She's the model, but she's super nice as well.' Mikky says. 'Okay! Can not wait.' I say. Mikky makes one last jump in excitement. 'Me neither!' she says and then she walks out the door. I smile. This is really fantastic. I sigh and get up. It's time to finally get some work done. I walk to my suitcase to grab a new outfit. 

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