The not so secret spot

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Sneak Peak to the future 😏😶🤐:

"Welcome to Qatar, please remain seated till the lights above your head turn green. We wish you a pleasant stay in Qatar." the stewardess on the airplane said the whole sentence monotonous. Mikky squeezes my hand happily. I look at her. How can she be this happy? Everyone is happy... except for me. I hate him... well, I don't hate him. I hate that I loved him, I hate that I trusted him, I hate that stupid promise, I hate the fact that I gave him my heart, I hate that everything went so fast. All the boys are mad at me. And all the girls are mad at me, except Mikky and Lily. After everything, they stayed. After everyone left me, they stayed. After all the damage I had caused, they stayed. I feel tears in my eyes. It's all happening again. Why do people leave me? My dad was the first one... and now this boy. I should have believed Pedri. Ooh wait, he hates me too. Nobody wants me here. I wanna go back to New York. To my mom, the only person who would never leave me. Lily pats my shoulder. 'I got you, I'll protect you from the biting sharks again. Those boys... they're nobodies. I'll always stand up for you, let's just have a good time' she says. I smile through my tears. The memory of the beach is back. Lily grabbing my hand, telling me it's alright, telling me she can beat the sharks if they'll attack me. It's exactly the same, only this time the dangerous shark already killed a part of me...


I walk to the entrance as quick as possible. It's kind of a long walk, because the building is huge. When I finally found the main entrance, I see his car. I walk to it. Pablo is sitting on the bonnet, while typing on his phone. When he sees me he puts it away quickly. He smiles, I smile back. 'So, what was this urgent?' I ask him. Pablo looks at me for a few seconds in silence. 'Well, I just wanted to know how much of that conversation you've heard.' he asks. 'And you couldn't just ask that online?' I ask rolling my eyes. He smiles. 'I wanna see your live reaction, so I know if you're lying or not.' He smiles... his smile is so adoring I could watch it forever. I roll my eyes again. 'I already told you, I was asleep.' Pablo raises his eyebrows. 'Don't lie.' he says. The tone in which he said it made me shiver. I don't know why, but it gave me goosebumps. If he talks to me like that, I would do anything for him...

'hello?' Pablo says. I wake up from my thoughts. 'Yes! Sorry, ehm... well I've heard Pedri saying you should stay away from me and then I fell asleep.' I lie. Pablo nods. 'Ehm... so you didn't heard the last sentence?' I smile. The last sentence was Pablo saying that he cared about me. 'Nope, why?' I say. He shakes his head. 'No no, just wondering.' he says. Pablo gets back into his car and suddenly I feel super nervous. The show is staring in two hours. In two fcking hours. And without any distraction, I'll start overthinking and that's never a good thing. 'Where's you head at?' Pablo asks me. 'just nervous...' I say. He smiles. 'So you're just leaving now?' I ask.  'No, you're coming with me.' I'm a little surprised by that comment. 'Only if you ask nice.' I say teasing. 'Come with me.' Pablo says and looks me in my eyes. He stares directly into my soul. My knees are getting weak, but I don't want to lose this argument. He rolls his eyes. 'Ooh please, most beautiful Nina, please come with me. I'm begging you.' Pablo says. 'Better?' I roll my eyes. 'No.' I say and I step into his car.

I get into his seat and I open my phone, seeing I have seven missed calls from Lily. I call her back. 'Hey, where are you? Are you done peeing?' Lily asks. The phone is on speaker. Pablo puts his finger in front of his mouth: don't tell her. 'Ehm... well... uhm.... I'm on my period!' I say. Pablo looks at me surprised. 'Ooh, well you could have just ask me for pads.' Lily says. 'Well, I'm going home to get a tampon..., but I'll meet you later.' I say. 'Hmmm, alright see you soon.' I can tell from the tone of her voice that she doesn't believe me. I hang up the phone. 'So, you're on your period?' Pablo says. I roll my eyes again. 'No it was an excuse...' I say and Pablo looks at me. 'Because you didn't wanna tell Lily where we're going. Where are we going anyways?' I ask and look out of the window. 'I'm no telling you yet.' Pablo says. 'Seriously? Just tell me please.' I say. He smiles mysteriously. 'You'll see it when we get there.'

A few minutes later me and Pablo are standing in the most deserted alley ever. It's all dark and it stinks. I look at Pablo as he walks into the alley. I follow him slower. The further we get, the more I begin to think. What if someone is kidnapping us here? Nobody would hear us... what if Pablo is kidnapping me? I mean I've only known him for a few days... I stop and Pablo noticed. He turns around. 'Are you coming?' He asks. 'Where are we going?' I ask suspiciously. He smiles. 'Don't you trust me?' He asks. 'Well... no' I say. 'Why are we in this narrow alley?' I ask. Pablo chuckles. 'You've never watched a romantic movie?' Pablo asks. 'Of course I have...' I answer. 'But what does it has to do with my question?' I ask. Pablo smiles. 'We're going onto the roof.' He says and points out a ladder.' He smiles. 'Ladies first.' He says. I put my hands onto the ladder and Pablo puts his hands around me, so if I would fall backwards his body would catch me. My back is touching his chest, while we climb up the ladder slowly. When we're finally upstairs I see why Pablo wanted to bring me here. 

The rooftop gives a beautiful view at Barcelona, the sea and the sunset. It's already dusk, and the first stars in the sky are already visible. 'Wow!' I say and Pablo chuckles. 'Welcome at my secret spot...' he says. I smile. 'How many people did you bring here?' I ask. In a movie Pablo would say: 'You're the first one... I've actually never trusted a person enough to tell them about this...' but in real life he said: 'Well..., Pedri, Ansu, Frenkie and all my hook-ups. Ooh and Aurora of course!' he says. I roll my eyes. 'Super secret.' I say. He smiles. 'Wanna know my real secret spot?' he says. He grabs my hand and points it towards another rooftop further away. It has no chairs or tables, so it must be an unused rooftop. 'But nobody is allowed there, except for Aurora. That place is only for the people I really trust.' he says and smiles. I look at the rooftop. I'll remember...

'So why are we here exactly?' I ask. Pablo sits down and I sit next to him. 'Because you said you were nervous. I always come here before a match. To make myself calm. I thought it might also work for you.' He looks me in my eyes. 'I usually look at the stars.' I follow his gaze and look to the stars. I don't know any shit about them. I only know my zodiac sign. I'm a Capricorn. 'You know things about the stars?' I ask him. 'Yes.' Pablo answers. Wow, that's attractive. Pablo points to the sky. 'That's the polestars. It's always there. And that's the Little Dipper, and that's the Bigger Dipper.' Pablo starts pointing at the stars randomly. He starts calling more terms which I don't understand. I just close my eyes while listening to his voice. Suddenly he stops. 'Are you even listening?' 'No.' I respond and I open my eyes. He chuckles. 'What's your zodiac sign?' I ask. Pablo rolls his eyes. 'Are you seriously one of those girls who ignore me when our zodiac signs don't match?' I smile. 'Don't worry.' I respond. 'Well, I'm a Leo. You?' I smile. 'I'm a Capricorn.' I say. 'So that means I would eat you.' Pablo says. I look at him confused. 'Because I'm a lion, and you're a ibex.' I look him in his eyes. 'No, that means that you'll chase me forever, but that I'll run away forever, because a Capricorn (ibex) is way faster than a lion.' I say. 'That's not true.' Pablo says. 'I don't care, that would still happen, in fact, it is happening.' I say and we make eye contact.

It's already dark. I look at my phone. In 45 minutes we're all expected backstage.' Pablo sees me checking my phone. 'We should go right?' he says. I nod. I see the disappointment in his eyes. I get up and we climb down the ladder again. I'm ten minutes early when I arrive at the big building again. I give Pablo a hug and meet Lily, Julia and Rickey again. They're still playing that stupid game. I'm glad I left. Then I sit down and I wait for the next ten minutes, that feel like ten hours...

Hope you liked this chapter. Please Vote or Comment if you liked it! (Btw: Happy holidays! Only two more days...)


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