Meeting Pedri's teammates

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I wake up at 8am. My work day starts at 10am, so I'll have enough time to make myself ready and to go to the center of the city. Walking to my office is actually 20 minutes. I was planning to walk, but yesterday evening I also saw a bus, that went to the center of Barcelona, so if I would be lazy, I could take that one. Usually Victoria Secrets would arrange the transport, but because I'm still an amateur, I'll have to arrange it myself. They do pay, so that's okay.

Yesterday evening, Lily told me what outfit she'd be wearing. She's wearing a blue pair of shorts with a very short black top, with butterflies on them. She showed me yesterday and she looked amazing. I decide to wear a light pink short, with a white crop top, and my white Nike-air forces. It's a basic outfit, but Nicole told us to wear what we usually wore, so I did. I decided to shower this morning, and I did my make-up. Nicole said I shouldn't style my hair. If that would be necessary the professional hair-dressers would do it for me at the runway show. My hair is still wet when I walk downstairs. 

I'm on my phone while I walk into the kitchen. 'Damn- ehm I mean.' Shit, I forgot Pedri brought friends home last night. I look to the side, and see three boys sitting at the kitchen table. One of them is Pedri. The boy that just said damn wears a black hoodie and the other guy wears a dark blue shirt. 'Morning shorty.' Pedri says sleepy. 'Pedri, why didn't you tell me your roommate is hot?' the guy in the black hoodie says. 'Ferran Torres García, she's a seventeen year old. So calm down'. Ferran turns red. 'Oops, sorry my bad.' he says while looking at me. Ferran Torres, I know that name, he also plays at Barcelona and is about 22 years old I remember. Pedri shakes his head and laughs: 'Also, I only speak facts, so saying she's hot is an overstatement.' He says teasing. 'Pedri, she's definitely hotter then you are.' the third guys with the dark blue shirt says. 'Shut up Pablo.' Pedri says. 'Ehm, guys I'm right here you know?' I say while putting some cereal in a bowl. 'And the guy with the dark blue shirt is right.' I say. 'It's Pablo, Pablo Gavi.' he says. Pablo Gavi... nope never heard of him. 'Alright, are you done sliming Pablo?' Pedri asks. Pablo rolls his eyes. 

Pedri turns to me. 'How are you getting to work?' Pedri asks me. 'I'll walk.' I respond while looking on my Instagram. 'Ooh hell no, I'll bring you. Where do you work?' I show him the location. He smiles. 'That's literally three minutes of walking from Camp Nou.' Pedri says happily. 'Ooh, sorry Camp Nou is the football stadium where we have training.' he explains. 'I'm not that stupid.' I say, and I grab my phone out of his hands. 'We could have lunch together.' Pedri says. I smile. 'Yeah sure.' Pedri turns to the other guys. 'Then you can finally introduce me to your friend.' I roll my eyes. Lily will probably not like Pedri, she likes blonde guys. 'What's your job?' Pablo asks me. 'I'm a model.' I say. 'I already thought that!' Ferran says. 'Ferran, seventeen, remember?' Pedri says protectively. Ferran puts his hands up in defends. 'Chill bro, I'm not planning on stealing your girl.' WAIT what? I'm NOT Pedri's girl! Ferran looks exaggeratedly to Pablo. Pablo looks around. 'I haven't done anything!' he says. I roll my eyes and laugh a little. 

'Let's go.' Pedri says. I quickly run upstairs and grab my handbag. Pablo drives and we did rock paper scissors, who got to sit in the front. I won! (which Pedri found very annoying) While we sit in the car I don't join the boys conversation. It's about their next match. Instead I text my mom about my first day. It's a whole paragraph, so she would feel like she was here with me. 'Hello? Nina are you alive?' I look up from my phone. 'Sorry what were you saying?' I ask. 'We were talking about tonight, we're actually having dinner and a movie night at Frenkie's house. Wanna join?' Ferran asks. I think about it for a while. 'If I like your friend, she can come too.' Pedri adds. I laugh. 'Sure, it depends on my schedule tomorrow, but I think it'll be fine.' I say. Ferran smiles. 'Great, then Mikky is finally not the only girl anymore.' 'Who's Mikky?' I ask. 'She's Frenkie's fiancé.' Pedri says. I nod. Pedri hands me his phone and takes mine. 'Put my phone number in it, and I'll put mine in your phone.' 'Alright we're here.' Pablo says. I look outside and see the big football stadium. 'Pedri, Ferran get out. I'll drop Nina at her place.' he says. Pedri and Ferran get their bags and step out. 'Please don't fuck in my car, it has just been cleaned.' Pedri says. I roll my eyes. 'We won't promise anything.' Pablo says and I laugh. 'Watch out shorty.' Pedri says looking at me and then he walks away. 

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