I hate Social Media

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Song: Starboy by The Weeknd

Pablo's pov:

'Come on Pablo, do it!' it's Eric. He's standing next to me and encourages me to take my first shot tonight. I laugh and take the shot. It tastes very bitter and I frown. The shot burns down my throat. I usually don't drink, but today I feel like partying. Ansu claps and Pedri slaps on my back. 'Now that's what I'm talking about!' he screams above the loud sound of the music. 'Want another one?' Eric asks me and he grabs the bottle out of the drunk bartenders hands and pours me another shot. 

'Give me that!' I turn around and I see Mikky, Frenkie and Memphis. They're always together, probably because they're all dutch. Mikky takes away the bottle from Eric's hands and she starts drinking from the bottle. 'I think you've had enough.' Frenkie says and he grabs the bottle. Mikky stumbles towards Aurora, she mumbles something. Why do girls always whisper? I mean, just tell everyone. 'I'll go with you.' Aurora says. 'Nina? Lily?' she says. I turn around and I see them arriving. Nina looks very pretty... very... attractive. 'Coming!' Lily says. Nina gives Pedri a hug and then she follows them without saying a word. 'Bathroom.' Pedri says and he grabs the bottle out of Frenkie's hands to pour himself a shot. 

When the girls came back the group splits up in three groups. I don't know why I ended up with Mikky and Frenkie, but I was definitely third wheeling. They were dancing.... pretty close. And I was just standing there awkwardly. Sipping from my beer. After a while I felt the alcohol start to work to me. I have been drunk before, but this time is by far the best. I felt a little dizzy, but in a good way. Every color got so pretty, the music got softer, more on the background. My moves were.... more smoothly. I smile in myself. 

I'm almost floating to heaven when I feel someone tapping my shoulder hysterically. I turn around and I see Ansu. 'Come on! Ferran is grabbing shots.' he says. I just nodd, it felt like I just woke up from a weird dream. I follow Ansu through the crowd. When we finally arrive at the bar, we see Ferran is arguing with a guy. 

'Man, just pass me the bottle...' 'Bro, stay away from me.' Ferran has a bottle in his hands pushing another guy away. 'You better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up!' Ferran screams. 'Isn't that a TikTok sound?' Ansu whispers in my ear, but I don't respond. Ferran is pushing the guy now pretty roughly. 

'Ooh man, you wanna fight?' he says and moves closer. A circle off people now gathered around the scene. I see Mikky squeezing through the crowd. 'Ferran, behave yourself!' she screams. She got a voice crack, she's clearly extremely drunk. 'ooh is that you girlfriend?' the guy says. 'What is going on? Ferran stop!' Frenkie screams. But Ferran is drunk as hell. He stays silent for a while and then, all of a sudden he punches the guy in front of him with his fist. 

Everyone starts screaming and pushing each other. Ansu squeezes through the crowd towards Ferran. I get pushed away from Ansu and in a split second, I don't know where I am. I'm awake, it feels like I haven't drunk anything. The music continues and the chaos starts. I start squeezing through the crowd to find Ansu, Pedri or Eric. Instead, I bump into my sister. She's looking at me with big eyes. 

'What happened?' I ask her. 'Nina... she's...' I look at her. My heart skips a beat. 'What... what happened?' I ask. 'She's... super drunk.' Aurora finally says. I sign. 'I thought she was kidnapped or something!' I say. Aurora laughs at me nervously. 'Well... that's the point. I don't know were she is.' I put my hands in front of my eyes. 'Holy shit.' I say. 

I think about the guy the first night at the club, there would be a lot of guys trying to take Nina home. I wanna say something to Aurora, but then I see she already left. I run my hands through my hear. Then I get a text from someone. It's from Memphis. 

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