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A/N: I had struggles posting again, but here it is!!! <3

After Pablo dropped me off at Lily's, who had finished work, I spend the rest of the day with her. Then I went home to get ready. As soon as I stepped into the house I heard Pedri coming down the stairs. 'Hey, how was everything with Aurora?' he asks. 'Ooh ... yes it was fine...' I answer. Pedri nods. 'I'm going already. Will I see you in a minute?' he asks. 'Um... yes?' I say and then Pedri quickly walks past me. Will I see you in a minute? In a minute? What does he mean by that? I sigh and decide to ignore it. 

I quickly run up the stairs to get ready. I don't really know what to wear, but anything is better than this. I quickly put on black flair pants with a nice white top and then I grab some make-up to put on. Just as I'm done I hear the doorbell ring. I quickly grab my bag and house keys and open the door downstairs. 

Pablo is at the door. He is also wearing a basic outfit. 'Ready to go?' he asks. 'Yep.' I say and I follow him to his car. 'Where are we going?' I ask. 'You really can't wait, can you?' Pablo says. I smile. 'We're going to a really nice restaurant nearby.' he says. 'And don't worry, I've asked for a table a bit out of sight so no one posts a picture or puts it online again.' he says. I nod, that's very thoughtful of him!

Is this how it's going to be? Is this what secret dating looks like? Don't kiss each other in public and get separate tables in restaurants. No walking hand in hand... no posting about each other on social media... just no contact with each other, which the outside world might see. Of course I find it annoying, but on the other hand it's better than nothing. 

'By the way, did you know we're coming to see your show?' Pablo asks. 'Yes, Ferran told me in the car.' I answer. 'What are you wearing at the show?' Pablo asks. I grin. 'You'll see.' I say. Pablo chuckles. 'Okay, it's probably worth the wait.'
'By the way, did you tell anyone we're together now?' I ask. 'No of course not, secret date, right?' he says and then he takes my hand. A small jolt goes through my body and then I nod. 'Top secret.'

'We're here.' Pablo says. I look out the window and see a small restaurant, it is not busy, but there are some other young couples eating. Unfortunately, Pablo lets go of my hand and then he runs super fast to open the car door for me. I smile. 

We walk into the restaurant together. We immediately walk through to the back. There is a table in another room and there is no one else , but you can still hear the people talking in the restaurant. Pablo and I both sit down. 'Do you come here often?' I ask. Pablo nods. 'Yes, they know me here too.' he says. 'I actually wanted to take you somewhere else first...' Pablo says. 'Where?' I ask him. 'Remember the time when I showed you that viewpoint?' Pablo asks. I nod. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

When we're finally upstairs I see why Pablo wanted to bring me here.
The rooftop gives a beautiful view at Barcelona, the sea and the sunset. It's already dusk, and the first stars in the sky are already visible. 'Wow!' I say and Pablo chuckles. 'Welcome at my secret spot...' he says.

'The secret spot...' I mumble. Pablo chuckles. 'Not there. I've already brought a lot of people there, remember when I showed you my real secret spot?' he says. I nod again.

'Wanna know my real secret spot?' he says. He grabs my hand and points it towards another rooftop further away. It has no chairs or tables, so it must be an unused rooftop. 'But nobody is allowed there, except for Aurora. That place is only for the people I really trust.' he says and smiles. I look at the rooftop. I'll remember...

'But this is better, because you never know for sure if you're going to be disturbed there or not.' Pablo says. 'How do you even know that place?' I ask. 'I once got a bunch of keys from my dad and it contained the key for that building. He said he got it somewhere once and that I could have it. I have no idea who that building belongs to, but you can easily get to the roof terrace from the inside and it's really beautiful there.' Pablo says. 

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