Birthday Girl

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Song: I love you baby (sang by Joseph Vincent)

Shit, shit, shit. 'Pablo if you don't hurry up...' Pedri says. 'I'm ready in a sec mate!' Pablo screams. 'What do we do?' Pablo hisses. I feel in my back pocket for my phone, but I feel nothing, I must have left it at the table. 'Give me your phone.' I whisper. 'Pablo? Is everything alright?' Pedri asks. 'Ehm...' Pablo pretends to sneeze. 'Yes all good! I'll be done in a minute.' he screams while he hands me his phone. Quickly I go to the group chat and I text Lily privately.

Pablo's phone: Lily????

Pablo's phone: LILLLYYY?!!

Lily: Hey Pablo? ehm... aren't you at the toilet?

Pablo's phone: It's Nina. Listen to me...

Lily: NINA? Why do you have Pablo's phone??

Lily: OMG are you guys having sex in a toilet cabin????

Pablo's phone: OMG nooooo. You must come here, to the toilets. NOW. It's an emergency.

Lily: ??

Pablo's phone: Pedri is here. Please distract him! Hurry pls!!!

Lily: Omw

'It's settled' I say and I give Pablo his phone back. 'You told Lily that we're in a toilet cabin togheter???' Pablo says out loud. 'A little louder. What did you say.' It's Pedri. Shit. I could seriously slap Pablo right now. 'Pedri who are you talking to?' it's Lily. THANK GOD! 'Pablo, he's shitting for ever!' I hear Lily chuckle. 'Well, I actually wanted to show you something.' I hear Lily unzipping her jacket. Pablo looks at me with big eyes. 'What are they doing?' he whispers. 'I think Lily is distracting Pedri.' I say and I wink. I'm very lucky to have Lily as my BFF. She's the best actress in the world. 'Lily, we're in the middle of a restaurant.' Pedri says. 'Well, then let's get out of here.' Lily whispers. 'Okay. I'll follow you.' Pedri answers and I hear footsteps walking away from the toilet. Pablo shakes his head. 'I'm gonna pretend I did not hear that.' he says. I smile. 

'So... where were we?' Pablo asks and he puts his hands on my hips. 'Pablo?!?' I say. 'What?' he says and looks at me with puppy eyes. 'Aren't we gonna continue.' he asks. I really want to. I really wanna feel his lips on mine, his hands all over my body... but I gotta be responsible. 'Later.' I say and I open the toilet door and walk back to the table.

For the rest of the evening I talked with Ferran. He was telling me about the best laser-game techniques. To be honest, I wasn't really listening. I mean... lasergaming is important for sure, but Lily and Pedri were still not back and that annoys me. The "distracting part" is over now. I have no idea what they're doing, but I hope Pedri went to the toilet first... ew...

By 11PM, Lily and Pedri finally came back. I expected messy hair or at least lipstick on Pedri's face, but they both look very clean. As if they just went for a stroll together. 'Where have you guys been?' Aurora asks. 'Ooh... we were just hiking!' Lily says and she sits next to Aurora. Ferran chuckles. 'Yeah sure...' he whispers only to me. 'Well, Nina we should go.' Lily says and she stands up again. 'Already? It's only 11PM!' Ansu says. Lily looks at him shocked. 'You mean: it's already 11PM. Nin, let's go.' she says and grabs her bag. We say goodbye to everyone. Lily gives everyone a hug, so I do the same. When I hug with Pablo we both try to let go as soon as possible, because Pedri is watching us strictly.

I'm sleeping at Lily's tonight, because tomorrow is my birthday. Lily has made a whole plan for me, as soon as she found out my mom wasn't coming. She made a whole planning for me. Aria fixed an extra mattress for me, so I can sleep on the floor next to Lily's mattress. Aria's apartment is very small. She's a college student, so she can't afford more. I think it's so nice of her that she let's Lily stay. And now she also let's me sleep here for tonight!

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