Being flirty?

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Song: Call you Mine by the Chainsmokers ft Bebe Rexha

Tuesday evening

We sit in complete silence. The wind brushes against my face. 'So... I think you've seen the posts.' Pablo breaks the silence. I look at him, and try to make eye-contact. He isn't looking at me, he stares at the sea and the sunset. 'Yes...' I say awkwardly. That picture was definitely not the best start of my new career. Pablo signs. 'And how do you feel about it?' He's still not looking at me. I think about my answer for a while. 'Bad.' I say. Now he finally looks at me. His brown eyes look a little orange in the sunset light. 'Really?' he asks. I nod. 'Why?' I sign. 'Well, my phone is blowing up and people are seeing us as a "couple"' I answer. 'Is that bad?' Pablo asks. 'Yes... Well it could have been worse,' I admit. 'but still. I'm in the spotlights right now and I don't want this "thing" to have any effect on my career as a model.' I explain. He nods. 'Don't worry, this happens a lot, in a month everybody will forget about it.' Pablo says trying to comfort me. I smile. 'But be honest, it's also a little exciting.' Pablo says. I look at him. His eyes look at me teasing. I roll mine: 'No,it's not.' I say. He smiles and shakes his head. 'We both remember that moment, but if you want to keep pretending you didn't feel that spark, than that's your problem.' Pablo says. I agree with him: there was a spark in the car. Small, but it was there. I wanna answer him, to make sure he thinks I didn't feel anything, but then I hear a voice behind me. 

'I hope you aren't vegetarian Nina, because we have a lot of chicken nuggets!' it's Pedri.  He, Memphis and Ansu just got a lot of fast food. They sit next to me and Pablo. Pablo moves closer to me to make room for Pedri. 'Nope, I'm not vegetarian!' I say and take the box out of his hands. We all started eating, however I was still full from lunch. 'Any news if Lily is coming or not?' Pedri asks. 'Pedri, I already told you she's not coming!' I say. 'But why?' Pedri asks. 'Because she is tired...' I lie again. 'Yeah you already said that but that is definitely not true.' Pedri says. Shit, he's a lie-detector. How do I safe myself? 'Sorry, but it's private... you know... ehm... girl problems.' I say awkward. Wow, that was actually a good lie! And I know I should be honest to Pedri. But I want him to still like Lily, so telling him she's right now flirting with other guys won't help with his mood. Pedri nods. 'Is she sick? Or on her period? Ooh I know!-' Pedri says. 'No Pedri, private remember?' I say. The boys laugh and Pedri looks annoyed. Mikky and Frenkie return and we all just chat and eat.

'Okay, boys I think it's time to add Nina to the group chat.' Mikky says 'Definitely!' Pablo agrees. 'Okay I'll add you, what's your number?' Frenkie asks. I give my number and a few seconds later I'm added to a group chat called: Beachnights 🌊👌. Frenkie, Pablo, Ansu, Pedri, Eric, Mikky, Aurora, Memphis and Ferran are the other groupmembers. I know all of them, except Aurora. 'Who's Aurora?' I ask. 'My sister!' Pablo answers. 'This is our usual gang, but Aurora, Ferran and Eric aren't here today.' Mikky explains. I nod. 'We'll add Lily when she earned it.' Mikky says laughing. I smile.

'Nina, should we go?' Pedri asks. It's already dark. We stayed at the beach for hours. It's late and very cold. I borrowed Mikkys sweater. Pablo asked if I wanted his but I said I was fine (I was not). I nod at Pedri. We both give everyone a hug and go to the car. At home i go to bed immediate. I'm very tired... before I go to bed I decide to read a few comments:

@PabloGavifangirl12346: Omg! NOOOO

@Rachel_008: fr she's really pretty! They look in looooove😍

@Peterparkeriscool: Guys, I'm trying to stalk her but I can't find anything! Does anybody know who she is?

@Seghauifi: She's so gorgeous! I wouldn't be surprised if she was a model.

@Sarah_Bettergom: Okay, so I love Gavi, but this is a power couple ngl...

@Ryan_bg: Am I the only one pooping right now? sorry...

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