Living the dream

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Song: I think I'm in love again by Kat Dahlia
My meeting with mr. Dallas was fine. I was fifteenth minutes late, but he was thirty minutes late, so he didn't notice anything. I wonder if he already saw the picture, but I assume not because he didn't say anything about it.

This morning was crazy, first I went home to change into decent clothes. I ran into Lily and Pedri in my house. Me and Lily made 'rules', but Lily is clearly breaking them. Rule #2 was literally to not have sex in Pedri's house. Of course I'm not sure what they did last night, but they were both laying on the couch on top of each other and that says enough. I hope they didn't see me when I went upstairs. I showered, did my make-up, brushed my teeth and took a paracetamol. All in a rush.

All the hurry, wasn't very necessary, because mr. Dallas was thirty minutes late. 'traffic.' is his excuse. During our meeting we disgusted what he expects me to do. Right now it's begin November. 20 November is the start off the world cup 2022, in Qatar. Our show is on 14 November, which means I have two weeks to practice. Mr. Dallas has already made a whole schedule for me and he also told me what I will be going to wear.

Walking outside off his office gave me a good feeling, like my life was in control. Then I got a phone-call from Lily. I pick up the phone. 'Hey Lil!' I hear a little squeal on the other side off the phone. 'Ooh my god! Nina, have you seen the picture.' Dammit. Guess my life is still a big mess...

'Yes, I've seen it.' I answer. 'I'm so so sorry, me and Mikky told him to take you to his house!' Lily says. I stand still in front off the office while I talk back. 'It's okay! Thanks for making sure someone took care off me...' I say. 'Always. Last night got out of hand.' she says. I wanna say something back but then my phone starts vibrating again.

'Ooh, Lil, gotta go.' I say. 'I'll talk to you later!' she responds and then I pick up the other number. 'Have you seen it?' it's Pablo. I sign. Seriously? That picture was made two hour ago and the whole world already saw it?

'Yes...' I say. He groans. 'Where are you?' he asks. 'I'm at mr. Dallas's office.' I answer while leaning into the building. 'And where is that?' he asks. I look around, I have no idea where I am. 'It's that big ugly yellow building.' I respond. 'Ooh that one.' he says. 'Do you know it?' I ask. 'A little too well.' he says. I laugh a little. 'What do you mean?' I ask. 'Nothing...' he answers.

'How do you feel?' he asks. I sign. 'Tired.' The whole meeting I had a head ace, I shouldn't have drunk so much last night. 'Do you need a ride? I'm around...' he says. I smile. 'No, I'm good.' I answer. 'I already see you.'

I stop leaning against the big yellow building and I look down the street. A familiar car appears around the corner. I laugh in myself and shake my head. 'You didn't have to do that.' I say. I hear him chuckle. 'Anything for you.' he says.

I walk towards the car door. He stops riding and I open the door. He smiles when I come in. I close the car door and then he shows me his phone. It's another post, but this time off us on the beach. It's not a kissing photo. THANK GOD! But it's a picture off us on our way to the beach. Sitting in a car. Pablo looks to the side, to see if another car is coming, I look at him and I smile.

'You look pretty in love!' he says and moves away the phone. I roll my eyes and lean back in his car chair. 'I've looked more in love before.' I say. Suddenly I smell a weird sour smell in the car. Pablo sees I smell it. 'What is that?' I ask him and I look at the backseat. It's full off a sort off orange smear. 'What do you think.' Pablo says while he starts the car. I smell a little better and then I finally recognize the smell"


I look at him ashamed and he smiles. 'I'm sorry...' I say again.

Pablo took me all the way to Mikky's house. Mikky asked me to come over because she had: big news. I'm very curious about what she's gonna tell me. We stop around the corner in a deserted street. I unbuckle my seatbelt and I'm about to open the car door when I hear a little click.

I try to open the door, but the car is locked. I look at Pablo. He smiles, with his hand on the child- lock button. I raise my eyebrows. 'One more thing.' he says.

Without waiting he grabs my chin and plans his lips on mine. I'm so shocked that I don't react. He lets go off my chin after a fast kiss on my lips and then he clicks on the child-lock button again. I look at him in total shock. Is that everything? Is he not gonna do..... more?

I grab my bag and step out off the car, he also gets out and grabs my dress out off the trunk. It's cleaned. I smile. 'Thanks.' 'You're welcome.' he answers. I walk away from the car, I feel his gaze following me.

But while walking away, I feel my legs stopped walking. I don't know why. My brain tells me to walk further, to stop this game: by ignoring him. But my heart is telling me to stop this game: by giving him all off me. I turn around and I see him still standing with the trunk open, looking at me.

I walk back stand on my toes, grab his face with both off my hands and I kiss him passionately. I just don't care anymore. We can keep pretending like there is nothing going on, but for me, there is a lot going on. I've never had feelings for a boy... at first, Pablo is very shocked. I stop and look in his eyes. Shit, he doesn't feel the same? 'Sorry...' I say and I let go off him, but he grabs my hand. 'Go on.' I smile and kiss him again.

After a few seconds, I feel him relax and he but his hands around my waist. We move in the same rhythm. The last two times we kissed, I felt butterflies, nervous and fireworks.

Now I feel lust and desire. I feel his hands all over my back and belly, while I run my hands through his hair. I feel his face brushing against mine. We both stop at the exact same moment.

I'm a little out off breath and he is too. We put our foreheads against each others and we stay like that for a few seconds. 'I gotta go...' I finally say. He smiles and nods. 'I'll see you later.' I say and I let go off him. 'Can't wait.' he says while I walk away.

My heart is burning in my chest. I walk past the palm trees on my way to Mikky's house. My whole body and mind are in the cloud. My heart is making back flips! The sun is shining bright. The smell off the sea invades my nose while I ring the doorbell.

Mikky opens and the only thing I can do is smile and laugh and giggle and laugh again. Mikky smiles. 'You have lipgloss on your cheek.' she says. I rub it away fast. Oops... 'Who brought you?' Mikky asks. 'Ehm... well.' I say and I smile again. 'Let me guess... Pablo?' Mikky says smiling. I nod. She laughs and shakes her head.

'What was your news?' I ask. Mikky squeals excited. 'Okay... are you ready?' she asks. 'Yes?' I say. Then Mikky starts screaming and shows three white tickets from behind her back. She starts jumping and I grab the tickets. Three flights to....


I look from the tickets to Mikky, from Mikky to the tickets. 'We are going to Qatar. We are gonna watch the world cup!' OUR FIRST TRIP TOGETHER!' Mikky screams. 'We?!' I ask. 'YES! You Lily and me!!!' she screams. I scream too now and I hug Mikky.

Can my life get any better now?

Hey! Hope you liked this chapter! Please leave a Vote or Comment if you did.

DISCLAIMER: this chapter was all rainbows and sunshine, but next chapter will contain a plot twist. Sorry... I'll try to post as soon as possible!!

Thanks for reading!!


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