8. Out on the town

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"João stop" I laugh as he continues to throw little rolled up balls of paper at me from across the table. "You're like a child I swear"

"Oh you love me" he mocks and I just roll my eyes and nod.

"You lucky I do" I say making him stop and stare at me with him mouth open in a dramatic shock. I mimic his face and gasp.

"Oh you're so rude" he puts his hand to his chest.

"I'm jokingggg, I love you João" I blow him a kiss and he catches it and smiles making me laugh. He's such a child.

I pull out my phone and take a picture of João and post it on instagram.

Thank you for celebrating with me @joaofelix79. You're a child....


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@joaofelix79- yet you still hangout with me 😚
    [_ @BR_10- someone has to supervise you
             [_ @user_user2- haha emotional damage fr...

@afanofyours- he looks so cute with his glasses
      [_ @BR_10- I bought them for him😏
             [_@afanofyours- BRYLIE OMG HIIII

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João pays for our coffee and we leave. We walk down the street a couple ways, going into stores, running  around like hooligans, jumping from each parking curb to parking curb, chasing each other, playing tag, trying to scare one another. We have had so much fun.

We've stopped to take pictures with fans who have seen us and sign their shirts and papers for them. We went on a walk with this one girl and her baby sister. She was the sweetest. She was about 14 and her sister was 5ish. The 5 year old didn't get what was going on but the 14 year old was crying and hugging me and João like we were saving her. I took pictures with her and I started following her instagram.

I started to cry when she said to me something that will stick with me for the rest of my career.

"You're the reason I keep playing soccer, you give me hope that I won't burn out. When I watch you play I see you enjoying it and I think that's oils happen to me" she says through tears as I wipe them away.

My own tears gather in my eyes as I pull her to my chest. We are both crying, her harder than me, and João gets a picture of us while he hold each other, he also gets pictures with the little girl he's holding. Both of the girls where so beautiful.

It was kind of heart breaking when we had to walk away and go on with our lives.

"She was so sweet" I say looking back at them while they walk the opposite way.

Since we were 7 { Pablo Gavi }Where stories live. Discover now