40. Movie night

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"Oh shit no no no DONT GO IN THERE YOUR GOING TO DIE" Ansu screams and points at the tv and we all chuckle but know he's right.


"Nope don't do blood" Ferran looks away as the killer slices his friends neck.

"It's okay Fey...it's over now" I say still invested in the tv. I look down and see he's still not looking with the blanket to his eyes I reach down and peel the blanket back "it's over, you can watch now"

He smiles and looks at the tv and then his face goes scared again. I lean back against Pedri again. He holds me again and I snuggle into his chest.

I look up at him and he's already smiling at me. He leans down and kisses my nose.

"Princesa" he whispers looking into my eyes.

He looks perfect. He always does. He's such a beautiful man. The perfect face the perfect eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, smile, jawline...it all matches perfectly.

He slides his hand over my cheek to hold the back of my head. He rubs the back of my head with his fingers and I smile bitting my bottom lip.

Ansu taps my foot and I look away from Pedri to look at him. I give him a disappointed look and he arches his eyebrow gesturing towards Gavi. Out of the corner of my eye I see he's smiling at me and Pedri. Not the happy smile though more of a sad smile.

My heart sinks again. I nod to Ansu and lean back against Pedri not looking at him. I don't look over at Gavi at first. After a few seconds I look over and he's still looking at us. The overwhelming feeling of wanting to cry washes over me. I look away and burry my head into pedris chest and the blanket me and him are sharing.

I silently cry my chest only heaving once in a while, making sure it's not loud enough to hear it for anyone to notice I am.

I'm such a failure

I hurt everyone

Just kill your self

End the pain for everyone else

My mind races with the same thoughts over and over again. After a few minutes of crying I pick my head up a bit and wipe the tears feeling everything go numb and a want to hurt myself.

Make the pain go away

Relieve the pain

Make it stop

"I have to go to the bathroom" I say putting on a fake smile.

Pedri looks at me and smiles letting me up. "I'll go with you" he says and I shake my head

"No it's okay" 

"I have to go too" he tells me but we both get shushed but a very invested Eric and Ansu.

I huff and walk away heading towards the closest bathroom which is in Pedris room. Pedris following me and I can feel him watching me.

I see the pills laying on the bed and I want one, I crave one. That will make everything else numb. I wouldn't self harm then...maybe.

"No" Pedri pushes my back a little making me walk forward to the bathroom.

I look back at him and see he's giving me a frowning expression. I slowly walk up to him and wrap my arms around him.

"How'd you know" I ask looking at the wall

"You were crying" he whispers into my hair.

"Pedri I'm okay"

"Your not, but I promise you'll be okay...whatever it takes"

"Pedri I love you" I don't look at him but I know he's smiling.

"Brylie I love you so much" he makes me look at him and I don't hesitate to kiss him.

He smiles into the kiss and it makes butterflies erupt in my stomach and smile back. He runs his hands down my arms and back to the back of my head.

My hands go to his hair as he deepens the kiss. He breaks away and I'm on my tippy toes. I smile and bite my lip. We are both out of breath and he kisses my nose again.

I frown and kiss his lips once more. His soft and warm lips move with mine perfectly. This is perfect.

Although it's not at all what the way I wanted this to go. I was all depressed and I said I love you, I wanted some romcom type shit. Even though I hate romance. I didn't want it to be the first time when I'm unstable.

"Pedri I'm sorry" I pull away and he frowns

"For what"

"For all of this...it shouldn't have happened-" I say then stop wrong way to say that

"What" he asks backing up confused

"No no no, I didn't mean that I meant it shouldn't have happened like that. With me being the way I am it shouldn't even be me, Pedri I'm a mess, why would- it shouldn't be me" I look away from him and look down at myself questioning myself again.

"I think it was perfect because I got to actually kiss you" he walks forward and hugs me and I smile.

"We need to go back before they question" I say pecking his lips.

"They're already going to question" he says putting his arm around my shoulder leading me out of the room. Neither of us actually going to the bathroom.

I didn't need too and I'm sure he knew something was wrong so he followed me. We sit back down into our position that we were in and snuggle.

"Ow" I say as one of the three at my feet pop my toes. I look and see Ferran looks extra guilty and I frown at him. "Stop trying to pop my toes"

"But whyyy I like popping peoples toesss" Ferran whines

"Well not mine"

"Here pop mine" Pedri says sticking his feet in the air

"No, tus pies son desagradables, amigo mío" Ferran says with a 'yuck' sound and we all laugh.

"Brylie's toes are great for popping" Ferran wiggles his finger and tries to grab my toes again.

"What is your obsession with feet around here..first Brylie's shoving her feet in my mouth and now Ferrans trying to pop her toes, it's weird stop" Gavi says tucking his feet under him.

We all laugh and I raise my feet again and slowly bring them to Gavi who gets mad and pushes them away. 

"I'm just joking, I'm so silly" I say in a fake voice and we all laugh again, even Gavi.

"I'm hanging out with weirdos" he tells us

"Oh shut up we're your only friends" I say rolling my eyes "and the only ones who can tolerate your childishness"

"I'm 18 I'm an adult" he whines

"Not in the 'cute gavi' edits I see" I laugh

"Shut uppp" he puts a pillow over his face

"No no I think it's cute" Ferran pauses the tv and says

"Yeah they all love you, you know how many fan girls there are of you" Ansu points out

"True" Eric says

"Awwww Prince Pablo has many fan girls" Pedri says and Gavi groans

"Prince Pablo! Prince Pablo! Prince Pablo!" We all chant and he kicks and squirms like a child.

"Shut upppp" he says again

"We love you Prince Pablo"

"Look at how cute he is"

"I'm going to marry him"

"My little angry bird"

"My Spanish king"

"Pablo Martín Páez Gavira" I say and we all go down laughing on top of each other.



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