23. Kids with potential

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"Coach please, I'll train with them" I plead with him.

He continues to walk ignoring my begging. He sighs so I know he heard me.

"Coach listen, it's the World Cup you know that I'm best friends with many of the boys-men- competing in this cup." I grab his arm pulling him to a halt. "Sir, please"

"Look kid, I know you want to go, but that's a long time alright? You'll be staying down there for a month."

"Well depending on if they make it to the finals"

"I don't know yet...when do they leave"

"Two days..."

"Yeah...I'll see you at the next training kid" he pats my shoulder and walks into the building.

"But that's in two days I won't be able to go if I'm-" I start to say but he's already walking to his office.

"Damn it" I yell angrily.

"Hey B what's up-"

"I have to go" I tell Iggie and Mapileon who walked ip to me. I've been avoiding talking to most people, no one on the team, I've talked to Gavi a couple times but not enough to be on great talking terms, same with Pedri but less than Gavi.

"But Brylie we-" Mip tries to say but I walk away.

I go to the locker room and sit at my compartment. I sigh and put my head in my hands. Why does life change from carefree to stressful in the matter of seconds, like someone flips a switch. Happy-Depressed, Carefree- Cautious...

*Ingrid POV*

I watch as Brylie walks away from us. She hasn't talked to me since our talk with Pedri. After the talk I found her upstairs kissing Gavi and I was so happy for her.

Those two are something special, if they don't end up together the world must've turned in a way no one wanted it to. She was so giddy when I walked her to the living room but after that day, it was like someone flipped a switch, she turned silent.

*Mapileon POV*

I sigh, ever since the diet schedules came out Brylie has been a bit distant. I know she's been training harder and more than anyone. When I came to pick up my check from coach I was in his office and looked out the window and saw Brylie training.

Coach obviously didn't see her but I did. She was on her hands and knees breathing hard. It was raining that day and had been raining for a while, she was soaked. I wanted to go out there but I knew she would've told me a lie and gotten mad that I had seen her.

Brylie had been through a lot, especially for only just turning 18. She has stress beyond anyone I know. She competes at a level that has women way older than her, that's stressful. Brylie pushes herself all the time challenging her body, her weaknesses and strengths, sometimes she pushes herself too hard.

This week has been...different. The team hasn't laughed as much that's for sure, because brylie hasn't been talking to goofing off. She's been training harder than any of us.

It's like someone flipped a switch, Brylie went from okay to not in a day. We all noticed even if some of us try to not care or acknowledge it, we all did. She turned silent.

*Coach Jonaton POV*

Walking into my office I sigh closing the door. I walk to my chair and sit down. I bit my lower lip lost on thought. After a while I call Luis Enrique and Xavi.

"I need to talk with both of you"
"Yeah, could you come to my office in...10"
"Thank you, see you then"

There's a knock at my door and snap my head in that direction to see Ingrid standing there with a worried expression on her face. Behind her is Mapileon, figures they don't travel alone. I chuckle.

"C'mon in girls" i stand up as they walk in and close the door behind them.

"What's up" I ask and they look at each other

"There's something wrong with Brylie" Ingrid says worried and I look between her and Mapileon confused.

"Why...why should I be a part of this" I ask

"Because we're worried and I know you've seen it too- she hasn't been talking, laughing at-at all during practice, our team has lost its fun because she's- something's wrong" Ingrid says

I look at Mapileon and she nods. "You can't say you haven't noticed it"

I nod because I have, we're missing a very important part of our team. You can have a team with great skill, athleticism, and technical ability but they won't be as good as the team that has a great relationship. No matter what the team that has fun and can get along will always beat the team that isn't together mentally and has great physical skill.

"I've noticed" I zone out on the wall behind them rubbing my chin.

I see Xavi and Luis outside stopping to talk to my assistant and I turn to the girls.

"Look girls Brylie is the heart of this team, without Brylie's energy and stupid- goofy- jokes the team won't be able to do as well as we have, I trust you two to be able to help Brylie out of the hole she's in" I tell the girls quickly before Xavi and Luis walk in to talk.

"But coach she won't talk to anyone-" Ingrid starts to say but I shake my head

"You're her  best friends you'll find a way and if you can't, then what kind of friends are you really?" I say letting them think about it. They get up silently and shuffle out of the office.

"Xavi, Luis, thank you for coming" I shake both of their hands.

"How's it goin boss" Xavi chews his gum sitting down smiling.

"It's good, you guys prepared for the World Cup" I chuckle at the nickname and ask.

"Oh man you don't even know" Luis rubs his face with his hands.

"Stressful as hell" Xavi adds

"I bet"

"We got good talent on this team, hard working...kids..." Luis says looking at me with a grimacing smile.

"I got a kid too- but man she's the heart of the team I tell you, she's been having a rough couple days and we're all down because of it" I say with a slight smile "don't underestimate the kids, they'll learn"

"I'm not saying anything because Gavi- he's like a firecracker" Xavi smacks Luis arm.

"Yeah this kid gets angry on the pitch and it's go time, he's focused" Luis adds and we all go quiet.

"Hey the reason I had you come here is I have to ask you something" I start and I prop my hands on the desk.

"You have any room on your plane for one more" they look at each other.

"You tryna have a free World Cup pass" Xavi says and they both laugh.

"Nah nah nah, it won't be for me" I say and they smirk.

"You got a soft spot for that kid don't yeah boss" Luis says and I smile and shake my head.

"She's going to be great"


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Would anyone like to create fan edits of Brylie and Gavi to anyone....

I would love you if you did, I would but I have no idea how to and I'm not good at it...

So if you do create one please send it to me 🫶🫶🫶

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