61. Cards and Urgency

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"Oh c'mon that's weak!" I yell. I know it's a yellow card as soon as the whistle blew and I knew it was me.

The ref jogs in front of me and puts the card up and I scoff.

"Knock the attitude off" the ref says and I poke my lower lip with my tongue pissed off.

"That's weak and you know it, she's completely fine" I say pointing to the girl that's standing talking to her teammate.

"Still a card" he walks back and I jog away annoyed.

"Since when did refs get to fucking weak like come on dude" I say to Mapi as she puts her arms on my shoulders.

"Hey hey hey" Ingrid says coming from behind us. "Calm down" she says and I shake my head and put my hands on my hips.

I look over to the ref and the Madrid girls talking. He's making sure she's okay but I swear she's fine. I slide tackled her and barely hit her ankle, barely.

"Girls are so dramatic too" I say

"Ya we'll your also being dramatic right now" Ingrid calls me out and I roll my eyes

"Ya that right there perfect example of a dramatic girl" Maria says and I groan

"Fine let's go- still have this hole half left" I say and jog away.

Ingrid and Maria talk for a little longer but I jog to where I'm supposed to be and wait for every to go back to playing the game.





Fans start to chant after I missed a shot. I shake my head and adjust my pre-wrap on my head. I take a deep breath and look up.

"God I ask for a good ball, a good pass and a good finish" I open my palms and close my eyes and repeat twice then go back to playing.

Everyone in the stands all the Madrid fans, maybe even some Barca fans are chanting "get the kid off the field" now.

I put my head down and walk looking down at my boots. That's when I feel someone put their hand under my chin and make me look up. Maria is at my side and takes her hand away.

"Keep your head up- don't listen to them....who's playing at the age of 18? Huh? Who's already one a best youngster award at the age of 17? Not them keep playing- Jealousy is a cruel thing" she says then runs back leaving a small smile on my face.

Mapi's right. I clear my head and play the game because of my love for it. The love that's stronger than anything. The one thing that went right in my life.

That's the ball. Rolfo plays the ball over Madrids heads and I run onto. I break into a dead sprint gaining speed with each step.

The ball starts to drop as it enters the box, it's closer to the goalie so I jump up and head it and it goes over the goalies head and outstretched arms and into the goal.

I see the ball hit the back of the net and hear the fans go crazy with cheers but that's the last thing I see and hear before darkness surrounds my vision and my ears ring.


"Yes VAMOS Brylie" I jump up and punch the air as I watch the ball hit the back of the goals netting. I was subbed off earlier so I run along the field.

That's when I see Brylie laying on the ground not moving. The goalie bends down and tries to talk to her then freaks out.

"HEY HELP, MEDICS CMON" the goalie waves over at them and the medics and trainers run onto the field.

I put my hands over my mouth. "No no no no" I cry and get closer.

I stand their with worry as I watch them asses Brylie. Maria sprints up to her and sits down next to her and holds her hand.

"Coach can I go out their?" I ask not sure if I can and he shakes his head not saying anything "Coach!"

At this point I don't care if I get in trouble. I run onto the field and sprint to Brylie. I fall down beside her and see she's knocked out.

"What's- what's going on Maria" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Collided with the goalie, she blacked out...concussion" she says and now I'm crying from panic.

I stand up and look around, the entire stadium is quiet. Everyone looking down with worry.

"Call an ambulance" one of the medics say and she rushes off the field to get more help. She takes the stretcher and sets it by her. They wait for the sirens then act fast. They pick her up, lay her down and put her in the car-

"I'm going" I say and they look confused

"You have a game-"

"I got subbed off im going" I say and sprint back to Jonaton to tell him and grab my phone from behind my seat.

He protests but I tell him to stop it, "this is your player and you need someone to go with her, I'm not leaving her" I say and rush back to the ambulance "finish the game with a win Yeah?"


"What the hell" I say my heart dropping. I read the articles of how Brylie's in the hospital because of a head injury and then I read my messages that I'm just now seeing that are from close to an hour ago.

Ingrid: Brylie's going to the hospital
Ingrid: Pedri answer
Ingrid: I've texted Gavi too but he won't answer either
Ingrid: I know you have a game but can you fucking answer
2 missed calls from Ingrid

Maria: pedri Brylie's in the hospital
Maria: answer god dammit

"Shit shit shit" I get up and go down the three rows of seats to get closer to the overhang of the bench. I lean over the railing and try to get one of theirs attention.

"LUIS" I yell again and again.

Finally he turns and gives me a confused look.

"Come here" I say urgently and he look at the pitch them back at me. "It's an emergency" I say and he walks to me.

"Brylie's in the hospital, I need you to pull Gavi off and let him leave" I tell him and he gives a look of concern.

"Is she okay? What happened?" He asks and I shake my head

"Head injury- pull Gavi- and hurry please" I say and he taps Ceballos on the shoulder and tells him to hurry up and get on.

A few minutes later Ceballos is up on the line and the AR is checking him in. Gavi sees his number and curses himself.

I text Ingrid and tell her we're leaving the match now.

Gavi jogs off and immediately asks Luis what he did but Luis points to me and I hop the railing and slide down careful not to hurt myself.

I grab Gavi and then turn around to Luis "thank you"

"Keep me updated"

"Will do"

"What's going on? Where are we going?" He asks panic setting in and I don't answer him.

I keep walking down the tunnel. Then he pushes me against the wall to stop me.

"What's going on Pedri"

"Brylie's in the hospital for a head injury" I say and start walking again after pushing him off of me.

"What?" He asks.

"What?" I ask my heart dropping.

"Let's go" he says and I jog with him.

My world is in the hospital. My beautiful dark haired, hazel eyed love.

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