19. Prince of Spain

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"No fucking way" I say slowly getting up from my bed looking at my phone in shock.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT" I say going to stand up from my bed but end up falling to the floor.

"Nice" I mumble standing up quickly and racing out of my room.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT" I race down the stairs slipping on the fourth one and tumble down all of the rest of the stairs.

"Fucking idiot" Lou calls from above me

"Why are you always here when I do stuff like this" I say out of breath and fixing my hair, shoving it out of my face.

"Perks of being a brother- always gotta be there for the embarrassing moments" he winks at me and stalks back to his room.

"Ew don't ever wink..like.. That" I say loud enough for him to hear and slowly spin around.

I forget what I'm doing then all comes back o me so I start running again. I slide into the kitchen almost hitting my hip on the counter.

"What are you doing child" my mother asks me

"No time" I respond and run out of the kitchen making my way to the living room.

Gavi and Pedri had a game today, I didn't go, I was tired anyway not the point. I run into the living room sliding to a stop almost falling. I balance myself and they stop talking and look at me like I belong in a looney bin, I probably do but whatever.

"GAVI COULD BE THE PRINCE OF SPAIN" I yell pulling my phone out of my back pocket and pull up the news article on my phone, I found it on tiktok buttt still counts.


"I didn't think it was that impor-"

"Don't you dare tell me it's not important he's the fucking king" I say looking at him like he's stupid

"We'll still I guess I forgot" he says looking down at his hands unsure why this is important.

"You want to tell us what's going on or" Pedri asks but ignore him.

"Right you forgot that the 'ruler' of us FUCKJNG VISTED YOU" I say sarcastically

"Right, forget me" Pedri says again which I ignore him.

"Gavi could be the prince" I say like it's obvious

"What are you on about now Brylie" Gavi asks running his temples.

"Now you listen here don't think I'm stupid" I say pointing at him.

"Since you didn't tell me the king of Spain was in your locker room, I had to find out myself. I saw the article and I decided to do some digging" I say starting to pace.

"The king asked you to sign a jersey did he not" Gavi nods

"Right...For whom was the jersey for" I ask again.

"His daughter?" He looks at Pedri who nods "yeah his daughter"

"THE PRINCESS OF SPAIN GAVI- sorry" I apologize for my outburst of yelling.

"Why would the princess of Spain ask for your signed jersey? Hm? Why would she ask for you specifically?"

"Okay I'm going to take offense to that-" I cut him off again.

"GAV SHE LIKES YOU" I yell out and he freezes and laughs.

"She's the princess of Spain, she doesn't" he says standing up and walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I follow him and Pedri sighs and follows me.

"Gavi, why else would she ask for yours and yours only- jersey" I say sitting down on a barstool.

He laughs again " it's the stupidest thing- why do you even- how did you even connect those dots"

"I'm a girl- give me about 5 minutes and I can know someone's backstory and know all about them, just from their Instagram, Snapchat, tiktok, twitter, everything" I say easily.

"Stalker" Pedri says from beside me and I don't look at him but smack his arm then point at Gavi.

"You watch- pretty soon you'll start getting messages, paparazzi following you, asking questions- 'are you the prince of Spain' 'does the princess like you' 'are you in contact with the princess'"

"Brylie you're being delusional no princess likes me, I'm not in a Disney movie" he says straight forward.

"Oh you watch" I mumble "Gavi it's unusual for a princess to have 1 player- 1 player to sign a jersey, especially with your name on it"

"Now- princess Leonor isss" I pull out my phone and get on Instagram "17 years old" I close my phone and fold my hands together on the counter.

"Your 18...by tomorrow your for you page on tiktok will be ship edits" I say mockingly (I don't like how I put Brylie's and Gavi's age)

"Your wrong" Gavi says shaking his head

"And your in denial!" I say loudly

"Hey hey hey, what's going on" my mother appears in the doorway asking.

"Nothing mom" I say not wanting her in my business.

"I haven't heard you yell at Pablo since you were 14" she says walking over to Gavi and putting her hand on his back. He smiles at me.

"Yeah well when we were 14 he deserved that yelling" I say standing up, Gavi's smile falls and I smile now.

"What happened" Pedri asks and I cross my arms looking at Gavi.

"Save that for a rainy day hm?" I say smiling brightly.

"Brylie don't be starting shit you can't fix" mama says pointing at me with a squint.

"Oh you know me mama, I'll finish a fight not start it" I say still looking at Gavi.

"Leave it alone Brylie" Gavi says meeting my eyes now.

"I will" I put my hands up in defense and he rolls his eyes and looks back at the counter.

"As I was saying Gavi" I show him my phone of the edit that came across my for you page. Him and the princess. "Well Prince Gavi- or Prince Pablo which do you prefer"

"You're a bitch you know that" Gavi says smiling uncontrollably. My mother smacks the back of his head.

"Gavira" my mother warns but we ignore her, we talk to each other like this all the time. No harsh feelings.

"Oo that was smooth Brylie- GET TOLD GAVIRA" Pedri cheers and gives me a fist bump.

'Smooth' Gavi mouths to me and I give him a slight shrug with a smirk.

'I know' I mouth back and he chuckles lightly.

"Do you we have to call you Prince now?" pedri asks making me laugh and Gavi roll his eyes.

"Onward to my bedroom Sir Pedri- Prince Pablo, we've prepared your castle" I say in a deep voice and we all burst out laughing as we walk upstairs. Once we get onto my floor I jump of Gavi's back.

"Prince Gavi" I whisper close to his ear

"Yes mi amor" he whispers back

"Don't leave me" I whisper and he tilts his head to look at me.

That's always been my worse fear, he left once. Who says he won't leave again? What if he decides to go be with the princess? I can't control him, he decides and that scares me but i can't help it.

"Never again" he whispers back and I kiss his cheek.

I straighten up on his back and I know now. Me and Pedri could always be a thing, he'll just need to ask and I'll always say yes. But I know no matter what I'll end up with Gavi, or at least that's what I want. To end up with Gavi. Because it's always going to him, always has always will.

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