33. Hangovers

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I groan and roll over patting the spot next to me searching for my phone but find a body. I snap my eyes open and sit up. I immediately regret it and black dots fog my vision. I groan again and hold my head.

"B...what's wrong" Pedri says tiredly holding his head up from hugging his pillow.

"I have the worst headache" I say and he laughs

"No shit you drank so much last night" he sighs and I whimper covering my eyes from the light streaming in through the blinds.

"I'll get you a advil" he says rolling off the bed.

"No no...no it's okay" I say out of breath and he chuckles.

"It's fine" he walks into the living room and bring backs two Advils and a water. "Here" he gives it to me and I blow him a kiss sitting up on the bed.

"Never let me drink again" I take the pills and he shakes his head sitting down in the office chair next to the desk.

"I told you to have one but one turned into you handing out shots- multiple times"

"Why didn't you lock me in a room"

"Because I'm pretty sure that's illegal and I though it was funny, not hangovers but when you're drunk"

"Oh what a great friend you are"

"I know"

I roll my eyes and look down and see I'm changed into my pajamas I had laid out. I grab the shirt and point at it and he nods shrugging. I don't really care so I just nod and look out the balcony doors.

I can feel my underwear and bra still on so that's good. I wouldn't think Pedri would do that no I know pedri wouldn't do that. To be honest I don't remember anything from last night....nothing at all.

"Hey Pedri, fill me in on what went down last night"

"Umm nothing much, I have a couple of videos of you puking, dancing, drinking, tripping, sleeping ya know the usual drunk Brylie"

"There is no such thing as usual drunk Brylie- oh I bet I was so embarrassing" I cover my face and he laughs standing up and walking over to me.

He takes his hands from my face and pulls me into a hug. I hurry my face into his arms still embarrassed.

"Oh god pedri did I say something I should be apologizing for"

"Quite the opposite Brylie quite the opposite" he rubs my back and I can hear the smile in his voice, this should make me relieved but I'm worried now. Why is he so happy?


"Ohhh Brylie" Ferran shuffles to me with sunglasses on.

He wraps his arms around me and whimpers "We drank too much"

"I know my head fucking hurts"

"Never again should they let us drink" he turns to them with his head still on my shoulder.

"Ferran you were passed out by 11 and Brylie was still kicking until after 2" Anus says laughing into his phone.

He pulls up a video and shows it to everyone. It's me and Ferran facing and they we slip and fall on top of each other. We die laughing in the video and they go complete silent and I look at him like he's gold

"Butterfly Bubbles?" I ask him and Ferran shrugs

"Key holders" Ferran tells me and we both nod in a agreement.

The video stops and I look down covering my face "that makes no fucking sense" I say into my hands

"No it didn't but you and Ferran were talking like you understood each other, shit like that- and you'd both nod and laugh" Ansu says and me and Ferran look at each other.

"Don't even bring- god that's so stupid that video shouldn't exist" Ferran says and I agree

"You two were hella funny though" Eric says and I flip him off.

"I'm too hungover for in depth conversations" I says and Ferran agrees. We both lean our heads back against the booth we're sitting on with our sunglasses on.

I hear the click of a photo but I don't look at it, neither does Ferran we just both close our eyes and hope our headaches will go away.

"Those videos will never be posted" I say without looking at them "that will ruin both me and Feys career"

"Yeah videos are a team thing not a world thing" Ferran adds

"Don't worry it's not going anywhere" Eric says and I look at Ansu

"You're the 'keeper of keys'" I say and they all give me a confused look "from Harry Potter...no? Okay. Anyway Ansu I'm trusting you to keep that video with you and no one else"

"Yes ma'am" he salutes me and I nod.

"Okay I have a cheese and bacon omelet" The waiter comes back with a plate and Ansu puts his hand up to signal it's his but Ferran snatches it from the waiter

"Thanks your a doll" Ferran says starting to eat the omelet.

The waitress gives a confused look but we wave her off and she nods with a shy smile. She's pretty, I feel bad that she had to encounter us...

"Ferran that's mine you fatass" Ansu says as she walks away.

Ansu reaches across the table to grab the plate but I smack his hand "leave him alone he's hungover and hungry not a good mixture, which by the way I am so order me food" I cross my arms and lean against pedri.

"Where's Pablo" I ask and he shrugs leaning his head against mine.

"Eric where's Gavi" Pedri asks for me

"Uhhh he said he had to go get something- I have no idea where but he said someone was bringing it to him" Eric says stealing a sausage bit from the plate.

"Why'd they let him leave, he was drinking last night to...wasn't he?" I look up at pedri and he nods his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'll text him see where he's at...he had a lot to drink last night, not nearly as much as you and Ferran but quite a lot"

I frown, I wasn't even thinking of Gavi until now. I didn't pay any attention to him last night. I should be upset with myself for this but I had fun and didn't care about anything- no worries at all- so I really don't care...but now I do.

I watch Pedris screen while he texts Gavi. We wait a few minutes and he still doesn't respond. I don't look at pedri but slip my hand into his jacket picket and pull my phone out.

I get onto Life360 (Bet you didn't know this was sponsored 😱🔥😉) and check his location.

"He's 5 minutes from here but he left at 7 this morning" I read further into his trip and see he went to the airport near here. "Pedri he went to the airport"

"Must be picking up Aurora" Pedri suggests

"But that wasn't supposed to be until the day before the first match...something seems off" I mumble to myself.

Pedri had his arm around me and Im slumped against him, almost laying on his lap. He talks to the boy and laughs, in full conversation. I watch his facial expressions with each word.

They're talking in Spanish now so he's moving his lips a different way. I can feel the vibration of each laugh going through him. I smile as I watch him. He looks down at me and kisses the top of my head, going back to the conversation.

The simply things matter in a relationship, if he's not willing to do the small things for you...he's not good enough. It's the small things like me watching him and then him kissing me, even if it's just my forehead, it matters.


I'm so good with relationship advice ⬆️⬆️⬆️

I'm starting school again blah blah blah you know what I'm going to say, might get busy and that will affect my writing time.

Sorry about that but I'm trying my best

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