12. Selfish or Selfless

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I've been staring at the ceiling for the past- I lean over to tap my phones screen- 3 hours. Just staring. I had nothing to think about either, which surprised me because I tend to overthink everything, no one to hate on, no one to save me from this boredom.

I've just been sitting on my bed. No one has tried to come ask me what I was doing or to do something with me.

It's been another 10 minutes

Another 20

Another 30

Another 40

Another 50

Another hour

1 hour 2 minutes

1 hour 22 minutes

1 hour 40 minutes

1 hour 50 minutes

2 hours

"BRYLIE" Gavi bursts through the door

"Thank fuck what took you so long" I say as if he was supposed to come and get me. He gives me a confused look but I jump walk up to him and peck his lips and walk out of the room.

"No no no" he grabs my waist and pulls me back into the room shutting the door. "You can't leave like that" he says reaching his lips down to mine. He kisses me for a while but then I pull back.

"I need something to do" I say and he frowns

"Oh so you don't like me kissing you"he says grumpily  "fine I won't kiss you anymore" he walks away and out of the door.

"That's not what I meant you can't do that" I say running  after him and jumping on his back.

"No you said you didn't like it"

"No I didn't I said I needed something to do Gavira" I lean over his shoulder and kiss his cheek.

"Yeah well" he can't find anything to say so he just mumbles to himself.

"It's not like we're dating anyway" I say suggestively. He puts me down and looks at me. "Sir"

"What do you want me to do about it" he says

"Ask" I say like he's stupid. He takes a step forward putting his hand on my cheek and my heart beats faster. He's going to ask.

"I'm really bored let's go find something to do" he says walking away.

"YOU ASSHOLE" I stomp after him.

He giggles cutely and runs down the stairs. I chase after him. He runs into the kitchen and Pedris eating toast? Yeah toast. He was about to bite down on the cooked bread when we came running through the kitchen. He freezes mid bite and looks at us like we need to be in a mental hospital.

"PEDRI STOP HIM" I yell and Pedri just stares at us running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

"Pedri help" Gavi shouts and Pedri stands up.

"Children stop acting like children" Pedri says and we both stop in front of him. "What happened"

"Gavi was about to"

"She acted as if I don't"

We keep talking over each other and pointing at one another when Pedri yells "SHUT UP" he rubs his temples and sighs.

"Sit- both of you...opposite sides- I'll make food for you" He says with a serious face, me and Gavi nod and put our head down and sit. Gavi starts to whisper at me and I do too "Not a word" Pedri spins around saying and we both zip out lips.

Since we were 7 { Pablo Gavi }Where stories live. Discover now