13. Pure Panic

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"Brylie Jo Elaine Rodriguez" I hear my mother call me.

Gavi and Pedri slept in my bed with me last night and we were in a very competitive game of footsie. I look at them with wide eyes and they freeze.

"What did you do" I whisper shout at Gavi.

"I didn't do anything, what did you do" he whispers at me then looks at pedri.

"I didn't do anything, she called you Brylie not us" Pedri whispers back.

"Right, you're right" I say lost in thought. "What did I do" I whisper frantically.

"Don't ask me I can't remember things for shit" Pedri says putting his hands up in defense.

"True- Pablo what did I do"

"I don't remember either" He responds.

"BRYLIE" we hear her shout again and we look at the door then slowly back at each other.

"I'm going to die" I say standing with shaky legs.

"You got this" Gavi says giving me a thumbs up.

"Yeah thanks for the support" I roll my eyes at him and he just shrugs.

"You'll be fine" Pedri says "maybe"

"Bruh" I look at him likes he's stupid

"You'll probably be fine" he says again.

"Wish me luck" I say stepping in front of the door and taking a deep breath. I look behind me and they both crouch down next to my bed then give me thumbs up.

"How reassuring" I mumble before walking out of my room and closing the door. I look down the hall and see all of my brothers are peeking their heads out of their doors.

"What did I do" I say walking backwards to the stairs they shrug.

"Good luck" Lou says before closing his door again.

I walk down the stairs as she calls for me again. I quicken my pace and race into the kitchen where she is standing with her hands on her hips.

"Took you long enough to get down here" She says eyeing me up and down.

"Sorry me, Gavi and Pedri were in a very competitive game of footsie" I say grabbing the bottle of water she slides across the counter to me. "Thanks" I mumble taking a drink.

"Always you three" she says shaking her head with a smile now. "Brylie I think you've met these lovely people before" I turn so quickly it hurts my head but I don't care.

"Isabel" I say coldly and stand stiff.

"Brylie" she smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

"Mr. Peters" I nod towards her father sitting next to her.

"Brylie" he returns the nod.

Isabel was a girl at my old school. We were kind of close, we could've been best friends and that's what she wanted but I chose soccer over her. And I'm glad I did, don't regret it one bit. After a while she started dating the guy I so desperately wanted to date. I was popular at school so I got a lot of guy attention, she hated it. I never paid any attention to the guys because I had one love and once focus, soccer.

Isabel started to date the guy I like and I tolerated it for a while, then I got over him and started to like another one. I didn't tell her who I liked because I couldn't trust her. A couple months later I'm in a relationship with a very sweet boy. We were dating for a year and a half. He didn't like how much time I was spending on the field and not with him, I told him to grow up and that I would never chose someone over soccer and if he didn't like it he could break up with me.

He didn't. He stayed. It made me like him more, but after a while Isabel got annoyed that I had a good relationship with him and so she just...had sex with him.

I never spoke to anyone at school ever again. I kind of drifted away. Spent 8 hours at school, spent 8 hours on the soccer field. I would be down on the field after dark until midnight until I got recruited. When I got recruited everyone from school tried to get close to me before fame so when I was famous they could be too.

I was smarter than that and the fact that they tried is offensive. Isabel still tries to post that me and her are super close and just besties. We aren't, and she shouldn't be in my kitchen right now.

"Mama what are they doing here" I ask her not taking my eyes off the venom in my kitchen.

"Isabel said you and her wanted to hangout so I brought her here" her father says standing up.

"Isabel I don't know why your obsessed with me but stop it. I'm not your friend. I haven't forgiven you, I won't forgive you. I have a perfect life without you in it and I don't need you fucking it up" I yell at her and my mother gasps and her father looks at his daughter with confusion.

"Mr. Peters your daughter has been stalking me for 2 years now, she still posts that me and her are best friends, she will text me on any social to tell me to put out and image of her. All your daughter wants is fame and I don't want het in my kitchen- you can leave now" I say heartlessly.

"I'm going back upstairs mother- get them out of our house" I say walking out, not sparing another glance at them.

I walk back into my room and look at the boys who are kneeling against my bed praying? I think they're praying.

"BRYLIE YOUR OKAY" they both say standing and hugging me.

"Yeah- were you praying?" I ask them.

"Yes we didn't know what you did we were worried" Pedri says

"Oh well thank you? I guess" I say not knowing what to say...

"So what happened" Gavi says searching my eyes, when he finds the anger and disappointment he softens.

"You guys remember Isabel Peters" I say walking between them to get to my desk to pull out my laptop.

"That fucking rat- was she here?" Pedri says in shock.

"She was"

"No fucking way- that bitch wasn't her was she?" Gavi asks now

"She was here and tried to tell her parents we wanted to hangout" I say, she's so stupid I swear.

"That bitch" Pedri mumbles putting his hands on his hips. "Damn never would've thought"

"Yeah I thought you did something stupid like always" Gavi says and I throw a pillow at him and he holds up his arms to block it.

"Sorry" he says laughing, not sorry at all.

Since we were 7 { Pablo Gavi }Where stories live. Discover now