31. Joãos girlfriend

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Waking up was awkward. I let Gavi sleep on the bed because I know he would be uncomfortable on the floor but I also wanted to get sleep, if he slept on the floor I wouldn't have gotten any.

When I woke up he was still sleeping facing me. His arm was thrown over my waist holding me against him. I turned over to face him now so I could watch him sleep.

I slowly take my hand out from under his arm and move the hair that was falling in his eyes away from his face. I run my hand from his forehead to his cheek then drop my hand.

I sit there and study his face while thinking how much I'm supposed to hate him for what he did. No matter what I won't be able to stop loving him.

I hate that I love you

He shifts in his sleep and I freeze. He turns over unwrapping his arm from my waist. When he becomes still he groans the turns around again and holds me against him.

I laugh at him and he smiles, he's awake. He mumbles something and I try to hold on my laugh at his cuteness.

"Stop laughing at me" he mumbles like a child and buries his head into the pillow.

"I'm not laughing" I say zipping my lips and he picks his head up and glares at me and I laugh again covering my mouth with my hand.

"Rude" he mumbles putting his head in the pillow again. "What time is it"

"Mmm it's—9:43"

He snaps his head up "really" he says excitedly

"Yeah" I say confused

"That's the most I slept, huh" he sits up in bed and claps his hands.

"Gavi stop" I put my hands over his pulling them apart trying to get him to not clap. He's stronger than I am so it's a bit of a struggle.

"Why not" he frowns

"Other people might be sleeping"

"Oh" he frowns again then flops backwards on the bed.

"You're such a child" I say laying back down. I stare at the ceiling and we go quiet until a thigh pops into my head "do you get babied on this team- like special treatment cause your 18"

I roll over on my elbows to look at him. He stares at me with a open jaw, eyes full of shock "I don't get babied" he gets super offensive so I put my hands up.

"Was just a question no need to flip out, plus I got my answer" I mumble the last part

"Whatever, your the baby now because you know you're younger than me" he smirks

"Oh thank you like I didn't know you were older than me" I say getting out of the bed.

"Your welcome" he says still laying in the bed.

I flip him off and I walk into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and pull up my shirt. I can see my ribs sticking out. I put my shirt back down to see if it's noticeable. Not really. I stand different ways to see my entire body, to see what I look like, and I hate everything. My shoulders look like man shoulders, I have a wide rib cage so it looks like I'm the fattest person alive, I have abs but they look weird because my top abs protrude out, my thighs are strong good for soccer but look so fat, my butt isn't tiny but it's not how most girls want it.

I sigh then grab my toothbrush, put toothpaste on it then turn away from the mirror. I lean my back against the counter and brush my teeth, making sure I don't look at the mirror.

Once I finish brushing my teeth I wash my face. I try not to look at anything but my face in the mirror, do I love the way face looks, no, but it's better than the rest of my body.

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