29. Incoming Calls

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We wit at a booth in a peaceful restaurant called the villa. "How come there's not that many people" I ask quietly to Jude and he looks over the top of his menu

"It's only teams and coaches who stay here so no fans can interfere with us and it's only 8 so most are probably asleep. Some got in really late last night."

"Oh" I say simply putting my hands under my butt and look at the menu on the table.

I'm not hungry I tell myself. I order a water when the waiter comes back to ask. He looks between the two of us, his eyes linger on me more than Jude. Jude notices and become cold with his tone and the waiter leaves.

"Males" he mumbles under his breath and I smile shaking my head.

"Your a male Jude" I tell him and he just shrugs.

A few minutes later Pedri, Ferrans and Eric walk through the door. Ferran makes eye contact with me and let's out a breath and rushes towards me.

I stand up from the booth and he runs into me hugging me. He hugs my waist putting his head against my chest. He's taller than me which is weird on why heat doing this but, Ferran will be Ferran.

He picks me up and then sets me back down and grabs my cheeks. He searches my eyes and I just look at him with wide and scared eyes.

"Ferran she's alive" Pedri says laughing from behind him.

Ferran doesn't say anything but just squints harder searching for something in me that's says I need help or I'm not okay. I don't let him find it.

"Fey I'm okay" I say and he lets me go.

"Fine" he climbs into the booth sassily and I stand there wondering what just happened.

"Okay" I say then look at Eric who looks concerned but doesn't say anything to me. I love him for that, he knows he wants to say something but he respects me enough to not say anything because he knows I won't listen and will become moody about it.

Eric climbs in after Ferran but not without patting my head. Pedri looks at me with a 'I know you now' type of look and gestures for me to sit.

I sit down, Pedri climbing in next to me, Eric and Ferran are greeting Jude and Pedri leans to me and whispers "we don't have to talk now, and I'll let you and Gavi's argument settle before we do, but we will talk about what I found last night"

I gulp them look at him. I nod dazed and then zone out on the back wall. The three of them are talking about futbol I'm guessing.

"What can I get ya to eat" the waiter comes back but I still focus on the wall. The plain simplicity of the wall.

Pedri elbows me and I look at him. He nods twists the waiter. "Oh um I'll just have a bowl of fruit"

Pedri looks at me and I shrug and mouth 'what'. He shakes his head at me and I look away. I look down under the tabel to my hands. I start picking at my nails.

Pedri notices and outs his hands on mine. I don't look up but I can feel him staring at me. I turn my hand over so he can rest his on mine. He slowly slips his fingers through mine and I stare at them. I stare at our hands laying on my lap, our hands so relaxed with him rubbing circles with his thumb.

I look up at him and he's not looking at me but talking to Jude. I'm all smiles when looking at him. He looks over at me and smiles too. I giggle like a fan girl and look back down at our hands. I take out my phone and take a picture of them together and he laughs now taking my phone from me and sending it to himself.

He gives me back my phone looking at me then kisses my nose and I lean against his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my shoulder holding me closer and rubs his hand up and down my shoulder.

He's laughing with the others but I look at him. I look at his dark hair and his white teeth that shine so bright when he smiles. The wrinkles near his eyes.

"Stop staring" he whispers to me but doesn't look down.

"I'm not" I whisper but continue to stare at him.

"Oh really" he looks down at me now and catches my eyes. I don't turn away from his gaze and he smirks.

Our food comes and we eat, they eat. I eat a couple pieces of fruit and watch them eat. I don't say much during the breakfast, I just spectate in a way. Me and Pedri hold hands until it's time to leave.

We walk out of the restaurant then all drive back. When we walk into the hotel there's two teams in the lounging area. Ansu is singing on a chair in the front and everyone is laughing. And who's that team? I look around at the people and see Vini...if there's Vini there's Neymar.

"NEY" I yell and he turns around he looks for who said his name and when he catches my eyes he smiles and walks towards me with his hands out.

"Brylie Omg you came. Why are you here? Oh I'm so happy you're here" he says hugging me and swaying me back and forth in his arms.

"I came to watch everyone play in the world, which by the way good luck"

"Why thank you, oh Davis here oh he misses you so much" he says letting me go "you'll have to hangout sometime"

"Oh of course" I say. "Where's he at"

"He's in the room, he's tired still, I also wanted to see why everyone was cheering so I came down here to see Ansu? Is his name Ansu? Yeah to see him singing"

"He's a funny guy isn't he" I say laughing as he starts to wave his hand in the air while singing.

"How's everything been" Ney asks from beside me and I groan "that's bad eh?

"You'd not even know" I say

"Well I'll take you an Davi out to dinner and you can tell me all about your doubles eh? How's that sound?"

"That sounds great, thank you for being like my only father figure at the moment"

"Oh don't say that your father Im sure is keeping great care of ya"

"Actually I've been gone two days now and he hasn't even checked in" I sigh

"Oh Brylie it's okay, he's probably busy or something"

"Yeah too busy for his own god damn daughter"

"He will call, I promise" he gives me a side hug and kisses my temple

"I have to go" I say after seeing Gavi walk into the room. Ney follows mh eyes and sighs

"I'll hear about it at dinner im sure, text you when" he says and I nod.

I walk away from him and out of the room looking down. I don't want anyone to try to stop me either. Just as I exit the room I get a call.



"ARE YOU KIDDING ME" she yells


"Iggie I can explain-"


"Iggie- no LISTEN- I needed space I needed an escape and I know you noticed it but I want to go home" I whimper and she gasps


"Iggie I've had the worst 24 hours of my life, and I don't have you here to help me"

"You have Gavi and-"

"No I don't" I start to cry and she FaceTimes me.

"What happened and who do I have to kill"

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