26. Its never going to be me

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"Oh my god that was prime BJ" I say laughing.

"I know, god we were so stupid when we were 12" Jude says

"Remember when we almost burned down the house and we blamed it on the fish" I ask looking at him and leaning against the pillar.

"I freaked out okay, I didn't want to tell them 'hey, yeah it was me, I almost burnt the house down'"

"Yeah but the fish? Really?"

"It was funny okay"

"That's true" I say "but I remember we were in the living room and we were standing next to each other your mom in front of us and she asked us who did it, and you looked so scared and said 'it was Mikey- Mikey did it"

"Who names a fish Mikey" I ask both of us laughing again.

"It was a good name, don't hate on Mikey"

We both stop laughing and look out at the night sky. We've been sitting outside under the pavilion in the back garden for a while. Just talking and laughing. Recalling our childhood stupidity.

Me and Jude met when we were little, mainly because my mother knew Jude's. We used to meet each other during summer and stay for weeks at a time. We loved each other and still do.

"I miss going over every summer" I say "I miss Jobe too"

"Jobe is coming to watch a few matches actually"

"Oh I'm so excited"

"Remember when I came to visit you and I think it was Gavi? Yeah it was Gavi because you hadn't met Pedri yet. You were 13, Gavi was 14, I was 15 and we made everyone know our age was just like a number line."

"That was so stupid, everyone always was like 'ooohh' but it was so stupid and not cool at all" I say laughing.

"How did our moms even tolerate us" I say "we were so loud and obnoxious"

"I know we were always running a round, jumping from couch to couch, always wanting do something- go somewhere"

"When you came here we always sneaked out and went to the beach and played on the turf next to the sand" I say pointing at him

"Oh my god yes and then we got caught one night and my mom had to fly here and yell at us too- we were in deep shit" He says laughing with me now. "Like I said- total crackheads"

We stop talking but keep the smiles on our faces. I always loved being with Jude I feel at home with him. He's so funny and nice and just- him. I don't know how else to explain his company- it's just Jude.

We pull up embarrassing photos of each other an laugh at those. Jude posts one of me as a kid on Instagram, on his story.

"You asshole" I smack his arm and search my phone camera roll for a picture of him.

"Hahaha- Jude are you gay?" I ask looking at the picture of him and Haaland laying on top of each other.

"What the fuck-" he says and is how him the picture and he gets up  and jumps on me trying to take the phone from me. "Don't you dare post that BRYLIE JO ELAINE RODRIGUEZ"

He grabs the phone from me and gets off of me running away from me. "JUDE BELLINGHAM GET BACK HERE"

I run after him jumping over the plants and flowers in the garden beds. He runs around the table that's under a different pavilion and goes on the opposite side.

I stand opposite of him moving every time he does. Making sure he can't get out. "What're you doing- give me my phone back"

"No hold on-"

Since we were 7 { Pablo Gavi }Where stories live. Discover now