36. Spain's national team

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"Hot?" Ansu asks me and I nod. We've been practicing for three hours now. Right now we are in weights. We watched film at 10 this morning and then went outside for our warmup, then passing, then cones, and now weights.

"Yeah I'm sweating" I say waving my hand at myself trying to cool me down.

"Hmm" he hums and takes a small sip of his paper cup, he looks out the windows suspiciously.

"Ansu what're you-" I go to say but he does it too quickly for me to move out of the way.

He dumps his water all over me. My hair is now dripping wet and my bra and shorts are soaked. I stand there with my mouth open and my hands out. I don't move and just stare at him with a shocked grin. Ferran was recording and Ansu, Pedri, Pablo, and Eric are laughing in the corner, falling against each other. The rest of the team is laughing but not as hard as those five.

"You want to be like that, fine- Finee" I say walking towards Ansu.

He backs up and gulps looking down at me trying to grin. I take the cup that Pablo is handing me from behind my back. I slowly grab it not breaking eye contact with Ansu. Once I have the cup in my grip I wait for him to look away to pull it out from behind my back.

I throw the water into his face and he cusses and bends over so the water doesn't go down his shirt.

"BRYLIE" he yells frustrated and I shrug. Out of the corner of my eye I see Eric go to throw water at me.

I duck my head just as Eric throws the water and it hits Ansu in the face soaking the front of his training shirt. I laugh then cover my mouth with my hands. Eric goes to apologize but Ferran already grabbed a water and threw it at Eric.

"Guys I can't believe I'm being the adult, stop throwing water at each other" Pablo yells over us yelling at each other.

"Your joking right? I saw you hand Brylie the water" Eric says and Ansu rounds on Pablo.

Ansu takes what rest in his cup and throws it on him. Pablo just stands there and takes his hadn't and wipes his hand wiping his face. He just nods and shakes the water off his hands.

I look between us and see that Pedri's still dry. I walk up to him and hug him. He obviously thinks nothing of it and holds me against him. I squeeze his waist once then let go but still stay against him. He rests his chin on my head and behind his shoulder I can see feral recording again. I motion for one of them to hand me a cup so Ansu does. The boys have trouble keeping there laughter in so I do it now. I pull away from Pedri and look up at him. He smiles softly and I return it then furrow my eyebrows.

"You're dry" I say and he nods then his eyes go wide, it was to late though.

I had already pulled away completely and thrown water at him. He shakes his head sending water drops flying out of his hair. I laugh nd shield my face.

"Seriously?" He says and I nod and turn my look serious

"Seriously" I say and he comes up to me and picks me up.

He throws me over his shoulder and I squeal. I squirm in his arms and look back at the boys.

"Pedri put me down, Pablo help" I squeal as he starts to tickle me.

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