57. Read the football

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"Good morning my dearest and lovely female friend" Gavi say as soon as I wake up. I flip him off as he laughs.

"Your an asshole you know that and besides we're obviously more than friends if we kiss alllllll the time" I say and he smiles looking at my lips.

"True let's try it one more time maybe it'll change" he says grabbing my jaw and pulls it towards him but I pull away, he frowns.

"I haven't brushed my teeth stop it" I say trying to get up but he pulls me back down.

"I don't care" he pulls me towards him again but I fight  him and pull away. "Brylie if we're going to be married one day then I get to kiss you whenever I want, might as well practice now with your morning breath" he says and connects our lips but I don't move them with his.

He pulls away and gives me a cute glare and I try not to smile.

"JUST KISS ME ALREADY" he says rolling us over so I'm beneath him.

I shake my head and close my mouth.

"Please just kiss me" he says adorably and I stick my lower lip out in a pouting way.

"Your so cuteee" I say and he smiles making his eyes crinkle.

"Can i kiss you now" he whispers like it's a secret and I nod smiling.

He giggles and leans down and kisses my lips and smiles the entire time. After a few seconds of pure bliss he pulls away and claps smiling.

"Perfect now I have our day planned and no you can't sit here all day. I know it's out day off and I'm sure you want to sleep but we're going out- just us" he informs me and I groan but then smile remembering what he said last night.

"Alright" I say with a suspicious look. He raises and lowers his eyebrows a few times then leans down and pecks my lips before climbing off of me and walks, well does a happy shuffle, out of the room, he opens the door then turns to look at me.

"Get ready we are leaving innnn an hour" he says and I roll my eyes "oh c'mon you'll love it"

"How do you know" I say sitting up on the bed

"Because you love me" he shrugs and I laugh and smile

"Well Yeah"

"Now get up" he yells running out of the room and sliding around the corner.

Oh Gavi, childish and adorable Gavi.


We've been driving for a quick minute, Pedris been driving. Gavi can't drive and I'm not really supposed to.

"Thanks Pepi" I say from the back seat and he looks in the rear view mirror and smile at me. We're still good.

Pedri glances at Gavi and Gavi gives him a nervous look but Pedri smirks and nods.

"No no no fill me in" I say and they look at each other again "tell me what you're thinking- both of you"

"No" Pedri simply says and I glare at him and he gives me a sweet and innocent smile.

I have my shoes off and my legs kicked up on the seats and rest my back against the car door while me and Gavi hold hands behind him, through the crack between his seat and the door.

He rubs his thumb over my knuckles while I hold onto his hand tightly. I scroll through tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, you know all of my socials checking for rumors that are funny and can announce and checking for rumors that are you know, not so funny.

"Ok princess back there" Pedri says and I look up at him "we're here, cya later love birds"

Gavi gets out and opens the car door for me but before he reaches my handle I look to Pedri.

Since we were 7 { Pablo Gavi }Where stories live. Discover now