34. Food

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"Where'd you go" I ask Gavi as he tries to sneak into the hotel room.

"Shit" he says jumping "you scared me" he slams the door closed and I think I hear a soft 'Ow'.

"So...where'd you go" I ask again and he doesn't reply.

He walks to the kitchen counter and drops his water and keycard then leans on his elbows looking at me.

I wait for him to tell me or say something but he just stares at me. I give him a confused look and back up one step.


"Not physically"

"Im stronger than you" he says. I know he's stronger but I'm not going to admit that

"I could take you" I say and he scoffs

"You could not" he says taking a  step forward.

"Bet" I say and then we start wrestling

He wins for the most past but once he gets me on the floor I spin us so he's under me. I pin his arms down to the carpet and the stand up stepping on his stomach with my foot. I flip him over and then step onto his back.


He flips over quickly, too quick and I fall backwards. My back hits the ground and I hear it pop.

"I tap out..."I say rolling and holding my back.

"Sorry" he drops beside me and runs my back but I shake my head

"Fine just..help me up" I say and he nods pulling me to my feet. 

I grab my back as I start to walk. I stop immediately and groan. "God dammit" I mumble to myself.

"Im sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" Gavi walks over to me and holds my hand rubbing my back.

"No Pablo I'm fine okay" I look at him and his eyes are filled with worry.

"Let's just do downstairs yeah?" I say and he nods still not meeting my eyes but looking at him rubbing my back. "Gav let's go"


I limp into the meeting area where the teams hanging out and Eric looks at me. He eyes me up and down.

"What happened"

"Gavi broke my back" I stop informs of him Eric's eyes go wide then looks between us two.

"Oh god no Eric not like that" I say shaking my head embarrassed. "No Eric God no" I climb the couches to go and sit next to pedri

"What happened? You okay?" Pedri gives me a hand and helps me lower myself onto the couch.

"Yeah I'm fine- we were wrestling because he thought he was stronger- stupid- and then this happened" I shift in my seat trying to get comfortable.

Pedri lifts his arm and I smile snuggling into his chest. Once I find the right spot he puts his arm down wrapping it around me, he gives me a squeeze then kisses the top of my head.

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, but its hard to fall asleep when everyone is saying "awww". I shake my head smiling. I can feel one pair of eyes on me, I have a feeling I know who's they are. I open my eyes and look at everyone but I can already see it's Gavi staring from me to Pedri. He looks away and now I look at him.

I see the faintest hint of a smile on his lips and I look away confused. Pedri starts to rub mh back and I smile again looking to him now.

He doesn't look at me but I don't need him too. I'll stare at his beauty for as long as I may live. Such a hot guy. Do you think guys know there hot? Or think that they're hot?

The last thing I hear is "-training starting tomorrow" then everything goes silent and pitch black. Sleeping snuggled up into Pedris chest is the most comfortable thing in the world.


"Hey B wake up for me.... Hola, amor, nos dirigimos a la reunión con el entrenador, despierta, puedes dormir cuando entremos en la habitación" (Hey love we're heading to the meeting with coach, wake up, you can sleep when we get into the room) he says into my ear and I groan blocking my eyes from the light.

"Pedri don't make me get up" I whine and he scratches my head.

"Be there in a minute Ansu" He tells them then he picks my head up. He kisses my nose and then stands up off the couch.

I whine falling against the couch, "too comfortable to get up"

"Fine you can stay here and I'll be in the conference room...you'll be without me an-"

"I'm coming, gosh why do you have to be so rude" I get up off the couch and gesture for him to hold me.

"I'm not holding you" he says and I frown

"Why not"

"Because your 18 years old"

"But I'm tired" I put my hands to my face and let my hair fall forward.

"You can fall back asleep when we get there, the rooms literally around the corner" he comes up to me and moves my hair behind my shoulders and lowers my hands looking me in the eyes. "C'mon"

He holds my hand and pulls me forward. I stomp my feet for the first few steps but then fall into step with him and lean into him. He laughs at my immaturity but continues to hold my hand.

When we get to the meeting room, the door with the name of Spain is open and everyone's waiting for us. We walk into the room and everyone looks at us

"Awww look who's finally awake" Eric says and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Shut up Garcia"

"Oh yeah realll mature" he says and I laugh. "See I got her, haha I got her"

"Shut up" I say again and fall back against pedri.

Once again I spot Gavi but Ferran and he's smiling at us. His eyes flicker from Pedri to me and then he looks down smiling into his hand.

"God damn this boy" I say under my breath.

Pedri leads us to two chairs in the back with Ferran, Eric, Ansu and Gavi.

"OH MY GOD ROLLY CHAIRS" I whisper shout. I let go of Pedris hand and run and jump onto a chair spinning all the way to the wall.

"That's one way to get her awake then" Ansu says

"Yeah buy her a rolling chair- who knew" Ferran says

"I would've she's such a child" Eric says and I stop rolling and look at him

"I heard that" he shrugs and I glare at him but go back to rolling on my chair.

I spin in a circle then look around the room seeing everything spinning.

"Alright we'll have some food for dinner then we'll have some free time to do stupid stuff like we always do then we'll launch into the meeting- let's go" Luis says clapping his hands together.

"Oooh food" I say frowning.

"You're eating" Pedri stares at me with a serious tone and I look at him and shake my head.

"Not hungry" I say then go back to the spinning of the chair

Pedri must've gotten up because he stops me from spinning and makes me look at him "you're eating and I'm going to watch you eat" he tells me and I glare at him

"I don't-"

"You're eating stop trying to get out of it" he tells me holding my chin and then he makes me nod moving my head up and down "goood now let's go get food"

I grumpily get up and glare at the back of his head as he leads me to the tables where we eat. I hate people who know you're struggling and want to help you...

I wish he would just leave it alone but I know he wouldn't let it get so far to where I'm passing out again. I just wouldn't have thought it was going to be now...or here, in front of everyone.

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