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in which, you visit tara at the hospital after her attack

"tara's awake. she just texted." you looked over at wes, your gaze softening at the mention of your girlfriend. "i'm going to the hospital, you guys coming?" he stood, grabbing his bag.

there was a few murmured 'yeah's' and you nodded, grabbing your backpack.

"oh, uh...i can't, but i'll meet you guys later," liv spoke, pointing finger guns at us.

wes glanced curiously over at liv, but chad shrugged it off. "all right," he spoke, kissing his girlfriend goodbye.

you left with the rest of your friends, entering your car. the drive there was quiet, only a few comments here and there from mindy or wes. your fingers drummed lightly on the car wheel.

once you arrived to tara's room, you knocked. there was a quiet "come in," and you slowly twisted the door open.

tara's face brightened when she saw you, and it sent a flood of warmth through your chest.

"y/n." she whispered hazily. you walked over to her bed, cautiously reaching out to touch her. you held her jaw, your thumb gently brushing cheek. she leaned into your touch, her eyes closing for a moment. when she opened them, she noticed the rest of her friends. pulling away from your hand, she greeted the others.

tara talked with her friends for a few minutes, answering their questions, and reassuring them she was okay, but they left after tara asked to be alone with you. when the door shut, tara looked back at you. you sat in an armchair, which you had scooted to be closer to her bed. she reached for your hand, but winced at the movement.

"hey," you murmured. "take it easy, alright?" you gently interlocked your fingers. "how are you feeling?"

"i feel...very high. and tired." she smiled slightly, but it quickly faded. "y/n," she began, her eyes beginning to water. "i was so... so scared." she choked out, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"hey, it's okay. you're safe now. nobody is going to hurt you." you were never good at comforting people, but seeing tara like this made your heart ache. you reached up, cupping her cheek and wiping at some of her tears, but that only made her cry harder.

after a few minutes of you whispering reassurances, she calmed. the silence in the room was broken only by the sound of her sniffling until you spoke.

"i'm sorry tara. i should've been there." you frowned, gently pushing her hair out of her face.

"don't apologize. it's not your fault. im glad you weren't there. what if you got hurt? i wouldn't... be able to live with myself." she picked at the edge of her hospital gown. "i..." she paused, glancing up at you with hesitant eyes.

you tilted your head, reaching for her hand. she watched your movements, and then took a deep breath. "i love you, y/n." you were silent for a second, and she looked away from you. "you don't have to say it back, i just want you to know. i really love you, and i don't know...i don't know where i'd be without you. you mean so much to me." her lips began to tremble and before she could do anything else, you leaned in, kissing her gently.

you cupped her face, rubbing soft circles against her cheek. "i love you too. so much, tara."

you felt her smile into the kiss and she carefully reached to hold your neck, gently tugging you closer. you broke apart from the kiss, and watched as she carefully scooted to the side of the bed, patting the spot next to her with a little smile. you laid down next to her, and she immediately put her head on your chest, her right arm resting over your stomach.

"stay with me." she whispered, sighing happily when you rubbed soothing circles on her lower back.

"always." you spoke softly, watching her as the stress disappeared from her face. once she fell asleep, you noticed the small smile adorning her face. your eyelids began to feel heavy, and you closed them, falling asleep peacefully next to tara.

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