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in which, tara wishes she were someone else

warning: amber x reader 😃 this was supposed to be based on heather by conan gray but then i changed it a ton tbh

you sat lazily in your bedroom, your arm hanging off the side of your bed while you shoved popcorn in your mouth. there was a knock on your door, and because you were too lazy to get up, you shouted, "come in!"

tara opened it, smiling softly when she made eye contact with you. you sat up, grinning at the girl. "tara! what're you doing here?" she shrugged, crawling to sit next to you.

"i don't know. i missed you." she spoke softly, earning a smile from you. "jesus. it's cold in here. why would you have the air on during december?" she grumbled, rubbing at her arms.

you chuckled, shrugging your shoulders. you pulled your hoodie off with one swift motion. her mouth dropped open as she watched your shirt ride up, giving her the perfect view of your body. she flushed, eyes quickly snapping away when you placed your hoodie in her lap. she smiled sheepishly, mumbling a quiet 'thank you,' before slipping it on, the warmth making her sigh happily.

"what're you watching?"

you grinned, taking another bite of popcorn. "finding nemo." she let out a soft giggle, and you turned to look at her, a shocked expression on your face.

"what're you laughing at? this movie's amazing." she nodded, grabbing some of your popcorn.

"it is. i didn't say it wasn't." you huffed, pausing the movie to face her. she smiled shyly under your gaze, her eyes flickering around your face.

"wanna watch something else?" you whispered, reaching to hold her hand. she felt her cheeks warm up at the touch, and she giggled awkwardly, nodding.

you reached for the remote, handing it to her. she took it, and exited out of the movie. she spent a few minutes searching for a movie, before pressing play on a horror movie that you've never even heard of.

she knew you weren't going to pay attention, and she was right when five minutes in, you were trailing your fingers along her arms. she felt goosebumps rise on her arms and she turned to look at you, narrowing her eyes at your grin.

tara felt your phone buzz in the pocket of your hoodie, she pulled it out, a frown making it's way onto her face when she saw amber's name. "y/n." she muttered, handing you the phone.

you smiled, typing a text to amber. she watched you out of the corner of her eye, noting that you only looked up from your phone whenever a loud noise came from the tv. for the rest of the movie, you sat typing away. she had a hard time paying attention, too busy focusing on the quiet chuckles leaving your mouth, and the giddy smile spread across your face.

when the credits began to roll, tara stood, grabbing her things. "i have to go. sam wants me back home." she stuttered out, reaching down to pull the hoodie off.

"hey, it's okay," you spoke, grabbing her arms to stop her. "keep it, it looks better on you." her face flushed at your words and she quickly turned around.

"bye, y/n,." you watched, your eyebrows pulled together as she walked out, the door shutting loudly behind her.


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