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in which, wednesday seeks out your comfort in the middle of the night

i feel like this is a little short so sorry abt that 🫢


wednesday shot awake, her heart beating hard against her ribs. she raised a hand to her forehead, wiping away at her sweat. she shifted, throwing her legs over the side of her bed

images of you with blood pooling around your head filled her mind. she let out a shaky breath, quietly standing so as not to wake up enid. she needed to see you, to make sure it was just a nightmare.

she quietly walked through the hallways to your dorm room, knocking gently on your door when she arrived.

you groaned softly, hoping whoever was there would go away. who would even be at your door? it was like 3am.

when they knocked again, you sighed, shuffling out of your warm bed and walking over to the door. you swung it open. wednesday stood in front of you, her hair undone from her braids and all over the place, with her shirt practically swallowing her.

"oh, hey. what're you doing here?"

she didn't reply, only took a step forwards and wrapped her arms around your waist. "you okay?" you leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss along her forehead.

she holds you for a moment, then pulls away, taking your hand and leading you towards your bed. she sits down on the edge, patting the spot next to her.

you sit down, the bed dipping underneath you. you rest a hand on her shoulder. "why are you awake?" she asks, turning her head to look at you.

"couldn't sleep. why'd you come?"

she opened her mouth, but paused. then, she said, "i know you like when i sleep in here with you. i figured i'd do you a favor." you grinned, nodding slowly.

"a favor? why, thank you, wednesday." she nods stiffly, scooting back and laying down. she holds out a tense hand, which you happily take in yours. her thumb brushes softly against the back of your hand.

you knew her answer was a lie. she wasn't wrong about how you liked sleeping with her, but the way she laid tense next to you caused you to think there was another reason she showed up.

carefully, you spoke. "wednesday, are you alright?"

she didn't respond right away, but you knew she wasn't asleep. her chest was rising far too fast.

"i had a...nightmare," she spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "a foolish reason to come see you, i know. but, i needed to know it was only a dream."

"i'm sorry, my love," you mumured, raising her hand to your lips and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. she glanced away at the action, her body melting against yours. "are you alright?"

"i'm not a child," she scoffed, then paused, nodding slightly. "but...yes, now that i'm with you, i suppose i feel relieved."

"good, i'm glad. come here, lay with me," you smile, opening your arms and waiting for her to join you. she stared down at you in disgust.

"absolutely not. i hate..." she trailed off, shaking her head. "i can't even say the word. i'm afraid i might puke."

"i wanna cuddle."

she visibly shuddered. with her jaw clenched, she leaned down, resting her head against your chest. you grinned happily, wrapping your arms around her tense body.

wednesday was tired, and she wouldn't admit it, but you were really comfortable. the quiet thumping of your heart was relaxing. she felt herself dozing off, and to your surprise, she fell asleep.

you smiled happily, cuddling closer to her and making yourself comfortable. you fell asleep, your arms wrapped  lazily around her.

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