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in which, you finally make a move

sorry i haven't updated in a little bit 😭😭 anyways top jenna coming soon 🤞🏻

"hey. there you are, i was worried you were gonna ditch me or something." vada spoke with a fond smile, reaching forwards to drag you inside.

"i would never. there was just traffic." you explained, following behind her like a puppy as she lead you to her bedroom.

she closed the door behind you, and then took your hand, leading you over to her bed. you laid down next to her, making yourself comfortable underneath her blankets.

"okay, so i saw a trailer for this new movie, and, like, i immediately thought of you. you're gonna love it. just, watch." she spoke, switching her tv on and scrolling through several movies.

finally, she found what she was looking for, and she pressed play. she tossed the remote to the side, turning her lights off in the process. her hands reached out in the dark to grab you, and she pulled herself closer, leaning down to rest her head against you.

it wasn't unusual for you to lay like this, you had been doing it for years. it was unusual for your heart to feel like it was going to beat out of your chest. vada had noticed this, and she looked up at you with furrowed eyebrows.

"are you okay?"


"dude, your heart is, like, pounding." she chuckled, gazing back down at the movie. "this isn't that scary."


you were shaken awake by amelia, who had a smug smile spread across her face. "what're you doing?"

"what?" you croaked out, groaning as your rubbed your eyes. you tried to roll over onto your side, but you were held down by a heavy weight. you glanced down to find vada sleeping peacefully against you.

the movie had finished, and was currently showing the credits. amelia grabbed the remote, pausing the tv, and then she looked back at you. "my mom made dinner, are you staying?"

your eyes shot open, and you sat up, vada falling off you in the process. she groaned, rolling over onto her back. "what? what time is it?"

"like...6:30 or something, i think."

you groaned, your head falling down into your lap. you reached over for your phone, swiping through the several messages you had from your parents. "um— yeah...i'll stay. just...let me tell me parents, real quick. they're probably worried. i didn't think i was gonna fall asleep." you mumbled, typing out a response to the paragraphs they had sent you.

amelia rushed out, possibly to tell her mom, and you dropped your phone, falling back down into vada's bed. you closed your eyes, sighing deeply as you tried to return to the peaceful sleep you had been having.

vada shuffled beside you, groaning as she stretched. she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, sliding up into a seated position.

you tilted your head up to look at her, sending her a small smile. "hey, there sleepyhead." she smiled, covering her mouth as she yawned. "your mom made us dinner. i was gonna stay, is that okay?"

"is that okay?" she chuckled softly. her fingers combed through her hair. "you've been staying at my house, for like, ever. of course it's okay. my parents love you."

you smiled, pride swelling in your chest. "i know, im pretty great. what's not to love?" she shook her head, a grin on her face as she grabbed a pillow and slammed it down onto your chest. you groaned, rolling over onto your stomach, and burying your head in her pillows.

"hey, come on, let's go eat."


"so, y/n, how have you been?" vada's mom smiled sweetly at you, before taking a bite of the food in front of her. all eyes turned towards you. you smiled sheepishly, a blush creeping from your neck up to your cheeks.

"i've been good. i got an A on my math test, that was pretty cool." vada chuckled softly beside you, and you glanced over, sending her a small glare.

"oh really? that's great! vada—." she continued talking, but you busied yourself with your food, taking slow bites as you listened to their conversation.

when dinner was over, vada had taken your hand and dragged you back towards her room. you laid back down on her bed, sighing happily as you closed your eyes. vada joined you, rolling over onto her side to look at you.

"hey," she whispered, her hands searching for yours in the dark. she interlocked your fingers, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. you hummed in reply, but you kept your eyes closed. she shuffled closer, and placed her head near yours. "what're you thinking?"

you shrugged, opening your eyes to look at her. she looked pretty, you thought. her freckles were on display, and she had a lopsided grin.

"i love your smile."

she blinked in surprise, her eyes glancing down to your still joined hands. you flushed in embarrassment. you were about to apologize, but instead, vada leaned forwards, nudging her nose against yours playfully. "thank you," she whispered, after a moment of silence.

your tongue came out to lick your lips. vada's eyes followed the movement, and her lips parted. she looked down at you through her lashes, letting her head fall forwards.

she stopped herself, and you had to stifle a groan. you could feel her breath on your face. you wanted to pull her down, kiss her hard. she spoke, and you could feel her lips brush against yours. "can i?" she whispered, eyes sparkling in anticipation.

you didn't reply, too scared you wouldn't be able to form a sentence. instead, you nodded, pulling her into you by the nape of her neck and connecting your lips in a gentle kiss.

a low sigh escaped her throat. your hands tugged at her hair, at her shirt, trying to pull her as close as possible. she melted into you, rolling over to straddle your hips. she pulled away with a small smile, her eyes darting between your eyes and your lips.

you gripped the collar of her shirt, pulling her back down and connecting your lips in a more rushed kiss. her tongue slipped into your mouth, causing you to let out a groan.

your hands slid underneath her shirt, meeting her warm skin. she groaned, arching into you. you were about to lift it off her, but her bedroom door swung open. the once dark room was lit up, and vada's mom stood, her mouth agape.

you let out a yelp, pushing vada off of you. she landed on the floor with a groan.

"i— you..." vada's mom trailed off, raising a hand to cover her mouth. "i'm just...i'll let you...be." she stuttered, stumbling back and closing the door.

vada let out an embarrassed groan, covering her face with her hands. she pushed herself up, taking a seat on her bed next to you. "that was terrible. oh my god." she mumbled, sighing harshly.

you chuckled dryly, reaching over to rub her arm. she let her hands fall. she glanced over at you, clearing her throat and letting out a nervous laugh. "should we talk about what that was?" she whispered, only for you to shake your head.

"later. i want to kiss you again." she nodded eagerly, pulling you back into her with a grin.

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