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in which, your first kiss is interrupted

so many tara fics recently but idc i love her 🙄🙄

(kinda?) scream 6 spoilers

"hey," you spoke softly, knocking against tara's door frame. her head shot over to look at you, her gaze softening as she set her inhaler down. she was still in her pirate costume, but her bangs were tousled from the bandanna that had been tossed onto her dresser. "are you okay?"

she gave a slow nod, and walked over to take a seat at the edge of her bed. taking a deep breath in, you stepped farther into her room, closing the door behind you. she was tense, refusing to making eye contact. "i'm sorry you had to...see that." she spoke, her voice timid.

"it's okay," you sat down next to her, wrapping a slow arm around her shoulder, in hopes to soothe her, and it worked. she leaned into your side, relaxing against you. "sam is just scared, you know? do me a favor and please, don't kill her." she smiled, eyes crinkling as she let her head fall against your shoulder. "she only wants to keep you safe."

"hey, if somebody ever does try and get us, you're just gonna have to protect me," she teased, nudging your side.

"oh, yeah, don't worry. nobody'll stand a chance against these." you grinned, raising your arm and flexing. she let out a breathy laugh, and then it grew silent. she lifted her head to look over at you, her eyelids drooping.

you opened your mouth, about to tell her to get some rest, but she spoke before you, turning her gaze down towards her lap. "i don't think i would've made it this far without you."

you smiled softly, though your heart clenched at her words. "you're welcome." you hummed. she shook her head, eyes darting back and forth from the ground to your face.

"i'm serious. you've always been there for me, since we were kids." a dry chuckle slipped past her lips, and finally she met your gaze. you nodded, removing your arm from her shoulder and reaching down to brush your fingertips against her knuckles. she didn't hesitate to take your hand.

"i'm always gonna be here for you, tara, you know that. especially if there's some masked killer out there." she smiled, nodding.

"yeah? what if they're trying to kill you?" you huffed, shaking your head with a smile. you weren't sure if you were imagining it, but it seemed like you were closer than before. you could feel each puff of air that left her nose.

"i'll kill them first." you grinned, shrugging as if it was the most obvious answer. she hummed, her eyes darting down towards your lips.

she nodded slowly, and you could see her throat bob as she swallowed. "i'd like to see you try."

"you don't believe me?" she smiled teasingly, shaking her head. "so mean," you murmured lowly. you reached your hand up, cupping her cheek, and tugging her towards you. "hey, can i—"

"oh my god," she murmured, a soft chuckle slipping past her lips. "just kiss me." her smile widened as you leaned in, connecting your lips in a soft, slow kiss. you felt lightheaded, your stomach tingling almost painfully. the kiss broke when she let out a quiet, nervous chuckle, and then she was cupping your face and bringing you in again.

she pulled away first, smiling amusedly as you chased after her. your eyes fluttered open, and you let out a quiet laugh.

"i've wanted to do that for a while," you smiled, cheeks flushing as you gazed over at her.

she nodded, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. "you should've done it sooner."

your mouth fell open, and she let out another chuckle. "i thought you liked chad!" her eyes widened, her lips parting in surprise.

"chad? oh my god, no way. he's great, but absolutely not." she shook her head, her thumb brushing against your cheek. "i've liked you for— like...since woodsboro."

"i'm just that irresistible?" her hands fell from your face, and she shoved your shoulder. she smiled over at you, her eyes darting down to your mouth, and she leaned in once more, her lips just barely grazing over your own.

the door to tara's room swung open, and sam stood, her hand on the doorknob. you tore away from tara, your eyes shooting over to the door. "hey, i was wondering if y/n wanted—" she trailed off, her eyes darting between the two of you. "sorry. did i interrupt something?"

"no, no, we were just talking." tara spoke quickly, shifting her body to face sam.

"oh. okay, well i was wondering if you wanted a ride home, y/n?" sam turned back towards you. you smiled politely, shifting nervously under gaze.

"what— can't she stay here?"

"if the door is open."

tara's mouth opened, her eyebrows furrowing. "we weren't even doing anything!"

sam sighed deeply, the smile on her face barely visible. "i live with children," she murmured, letting her eyes fall closed. "okay, fine, y/n can stay, but the door is open at least three inches. have fun."

tara grinned over at you, and then she grabbed the collar of your shirt, pulling you in for yet another kiss.

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